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E DITOR Ivermectin is more than just a ‘horse de-wormer’

To the editor: A December 1, 2021, article in the Tribune Phonograph indicates that I mentioned during public commentary at a Clark County Health Committee meeting taking Ivermectin, “a horse dewormer” whose use has “been discouraged by the Centers for Disease Control and other government entities.” It is true that Ivermectin, like aspirin and penicillin, is used as a treatment in both animals and humans. Referencing Ivermectin only as “a horse dewormer” is a way to discredit anybody who speaks against the mediaapproved narrative of vaccine sales and promotion.

Calling Ivermectin “a horse dewormer” is also a way to diminish a pharmaceutical that has been used worldwide 3.7 billion times over 40 years to ease human suffering. The drug is FDA-approved, and the men who developed the therapy won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology for their work.

With regard to COVID-19, a growing body of published medical evidence suggests that Ivermectin diminishes viral replication and reduces inflammation. In fact, the National Institutes of Health is no longer recommending against the use of Ivermectin in COVID-19.

I believe that Ivermectin helped me in my bout with COVID. However, it is not my place to recommend any treatment for any disease. I just want to know why we are only allowed to talk about vaccines when it comes to COVID and why we are mocked when we explore other options.

For example, the vast majority of people who die from COVID-19 are Vitamin D deficient. Why are we not talking about that? We have had friends in the area seek medical care after being diagnosed with COVID, but medical professionals have only offered limited treatment. This is while people in other parts of the country and world have a host of medical interventions available to them.

It seems as if government officials and the media truly cared about public health, they would be researching many different approaches. Instead, if you question things, it is suggested that you are unthinking and brutish. We deserve the freedom of choice, thought, and action that our forefathers and military veterans fought and shed blood for. Fred Schindler Clark County supervisor