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Central Chamber Chorale to perform at St. Bernard’s

Central Chamber Chorale, a Central Wisconsin group of singers in its 50th season, will be presenting a varied program including two pieces from “The Greatest Showman,” as well as moving selections from composers Ola Gjeillo, Benjamin Britten, Eric Whitacre and others.

Eric Whitacre’s composition “Sing Gently” was produced virtually during the pandemic with 17,752 singers from 129 countries participating as a reflection of the trials dealt with during the pandemic. Ola Gjeillo’s “Northern Lights” evokes the shimmering of the lights through music. Britten’s “Jubilate Deo” is joyful music written for the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Phillip. Many songs feature soloists from within the chorale.

The performances are at St. Bernard’s Catholic Church, 400 N. 2nd St., Abbotsford, on Nov. 13 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 14, at 3 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 200 S. Lincoln Ave., Marshfield. The 2021 Central Wisconsin Choral Leadership Award will be presented to Pamela McCollum on behalf of Timothy McCollum, deceased, at the Marshfield performance.

McCollum was the concert master for most of the Central Chamber Chorale concerts with orchestra. He was the concert master with the UW Wood County Central Wisconsin Symphony Orchestra and taught orchestra to generations of students in the Marshfield schools.

The concerts are open to the public without charge. The chorale, under the direction of Dr. Richard Brunson, is celebrating its 50th season. Board member Mika Brunson is the chorale’s accompanist.

Masks will be required for audience members at the live performances. The Nov. 14 program may be live-streamed at 3 p.m. on YouTube.

For more information, visit www.centralchamberchorale. com or the Central Chamber Chorale Facebook page.

The concerts are sponsored, in part, by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the state of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the arts and by the generous support of members of the community.