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Getting back in the saddle

Getting back in the saddle Getting back in the saddle

If you flip to my sports section this week you’ll see that sports is back, and with a vengeance. After football kicked off the 2021 season two weeks ago, the rest of the fall sports have followed suit.

Last week I covered my first cross-country race in nearly a year, as well as a pair of swimming tournaments. Last night I was down in Edgar, covering the Colby Hornets volleyball match with the Wildcats. I’ll have that recap in next week’s paper.

I have to admit, it’s going to take some time to get used to having a full slate of games, meets and matches. The fact that the season is on time this year means more games and sporting events to cover. That was not the case last year, when so many teams only played a handful of games, and I was scrambling to fill the sports pages of the Tribune-Phonograph, as COVID-19 wreaked havoc on schedules with quarantines and cancellations.

I know I speak for everyone when I say I am tired of being bombarded by COVID-19. I’m tired of seeing it on the news, tired of hearing about friends losing loved ones because of it. But, make no mistake, COVID-19 is not tired of us.

We still need to be vigilant, and to do our part to halt the spread of this latest variant. I constantly remind my student-athletes that they need to keep their circles small and to mind their p’s and q’s. So far, they’ve listened. I think that comes down largely to last year, and all the missed opportunities.

This year, so many teams from Colby and Abbotsford have the potential for great things. Both football teams are 2-0 to start the year, and both are now ranked in the top ten in Division 6 in Wisconsin. In fact, Colby is now ranked second in the state. It’s pretty impressive to have two teams not more than two miles apart playing so well and being so highly regarded by their peers.

The cross-country teams are also off to a fast start. Yes, that pun is intended, and no, I’m not apologizing for it. I love a good pun. Both teams took second in Pittsville, and have barely begun to scratch the tip of the iceberg when it comes to realizing their potential. I look to the ladies to win the Cloverbelt once more, and for the boys to lay the foundation for a solid future, and to have at least a few finish with allconference honors. The volleyball teams are doing well in the first week of the season. Abby looks tough, and I think is hungry and poised for a great season. Colby is young, and yeah, there’s going to be some growing pains, but the Hornets are a team that I think will be a tough out once the postseason arrives in October.

It’s exciting to think how my teams and my student-athletes will do when it’s all said and done. I’m looking forward to getting back to taking pictures — although, that takes some getting used to as well.

I’ve spent the past few months enjoying abundant lighting, and now I’m in darkened pools and sometimes dimly light gymnasiums. Just as the Hornets and Falcons are getting used to the ups and downs of another season, I’m getting used to adjusting my settings, picking my spots and doing my best to take great shots.

But, I definitely have great athletes to work with. And if by chance you have some free time, come down to a game and cheer. Fans in stands again are a great sight.