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E DITOR Do not close alleys

To the editor: These alleys have been here longer than we are old. Why, after all these years, is there now such a problem that you are considering closing them off ?

These alleys serve a purpose. They are there for access to backs of properties for emergency fire access, electrical problems, gas lines, sewer lines, cable lines, phone lines, internet lines. In case of these possible emergencies, they have to remain accessible 24 hours every day.

Is there any other city or town that you know of that has cables blocking off access to alleys? I believe they have not closed them off due to the above mentioned reasons.

People have built garages off these alleys, with permission from the city. Craig Stuttgen’s statement in the July 28 Tribune-Phonograph I believe is false, if he is talking about the Ray Osmondson garage I built years ago. There was access to that garage when built, and there should be access to that garage as long as it is there. I am positive that any council members would not like a $20,000 garage OK’d by the city not to be accessible and usable, if it was their own.

I also question the idea of only blocking off two unimproved alleys. Why target these two and not all unimproved alleys? Problems could occur on any of them. Is it that you might have more opposition if you close all unimproved alleys? I am sure you would!

Craig Stuttgen noted in the July 28 Tribune-Phonograph that “The public works crew has had to repair the grass three or four times in one of these spots over the past few years.” This doesn’t seem like that big of an issue to me, to warrant the closing off of alleys. If it is just a limited area, maybe the city should improve the area. Last time I looked at the city landfill area, I saw piles and piles of road material that could be used to improve those alleys. The city has a backhoe and trucks to do the job. Any other cost can be taken out of the Abbyland apartment complex TIF money.

Jim Colby


Buddy Poppy campaign raised $6,000 this year

To the editor: Some of you might have wondered what happened in 2020 to the folks who went out to collect donations for the Buddy Poppy drive. With COVID in full force, I, as chairperson, called it off. I didn’t want to burden anyone or businesses at that time. (I did have one member go on his own to collect).

This year I felt it was safer to go out, hoping that folks and businesses were in better shape to help the cause.

We had a great drive. We collected over $6,000. The Colby Post 2227 & Auxiliary would like to thank everyone for your generosity. Here are some facts about the Buddy Poppies and how we use your generous donations: Buddy Poppies are assembled by veterans in need and disabled veterans, affording them income and a form of therapy.

The “Buddy”® Poppy flower is a symbol of the blood shed by Allied forces during World War I and is referenced in the poem In Flanders Fields by Lt. Col. John McCrae.

One-hundred percent of donations collected go into the VFW Auxiliary Relief Fund to be spent according to Treasurer’s Guide and National Bylaws. Below are some examples:

_ Support veterans, auxiliary members and their families in need

_ Temporary hotel lodging while awaiting medical care

_ Assistance with critical and necessary home bills – heat, cooling, electric, etc.

_ Urgent needs for clothing and food _ Home or yard maintenance for those that through age or disability are unable to perform the work themselves

_ Emergency car repairs to get to work and/or medical appointments

_ Survivor comfort _ Stop-gap assistance for deployed service member’s families that are awaiting disbursement of funds from branch of service or the VA

_ VFW National Home for Children

_ National VFW Auxiliary Cancer Aid & Research Fund

_ Provide financial assistance to maintain state and national veterans’ rehabilitation and service programs

_ Any other emergency relief on a case-by-case basis.

This is my last year to be the chairperson. I hope when we come around in 2022 you will continue to support our veterans.

Lin Mueller
