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Please, give me some coffee!!!

Please, give me some coffee!!! Please, give me some coffee!!!




Do you ever get so busy that you get emotionally drained? Well, that was me this weekend.

It started last Friday when my dad, his girlfriend, my brother and my grandma went down to Milwaukee for our cousin’s wedding. She got married to a guy from Poland, and she’s actually been living in Poland for a couple of months now. Before they got married over here, they were already married in Poland, so this was actually their second wedding.

After the wedding, we stayed at my dad’s girlfriend’s grandparents’ house. Let’s just say I was too terrified to sleep. Why, you may ask? For starters, the room I was sleeping in was creepy because there were three closets in the room. Yes, three closets. Plus the windows were open and I heard everything.

Police sirens going off every hour, a train going through at 3 a.m. No sleep for Brooke that night. Then I had to wake up at 6 a.m. so we could get ready to pick up my cousins from the hotel they were staying at and go back to Athens.

After I got home, my mom wanted to go up to Rib Lake to see her best friend, and also to see the new cat my grandparents got. There was also a festival going on in Rib Lake, so I really couldn’t turn down that opportunity. After we left Rib Lake on Saturday, we stopped in Medford to pick up some things. This was about 10 p.m., so I was tired. We went home and watched a movie, which was a bad idea.

Sunday rolled around and I didn’t want to get out of bed, but I had to, because I wanted to make it up to Rib Lake again for their parade. I was already drained from not sleeping the night before. Also, I don’t know why, but I offered to stay in Rib Lake for the night on Saturday, to help out with the cat so my grandparents could get some sleep. Sunday they let the cat roam the house so she didn’t have to keep my grandparents up anymore.

After I got home from Rib Lake on Sunday, I was completely drained, and for some reason, things just seemed sad to me for the next how many hours I was home. Later, I went down into my hobbit hole, which is my basement, and I started watching Lord of the Rings, which is so surprising at this point since I was trying to keep my tears back.

Now, I have to be in a phase to watch these movies, so I’ll watch them once a month, which is honestly a lot of times to watch six movies. I can watch these movies in a day if I tried, and yes, I have done it. Let’s just say I was very depressed that day and that is why I managed that.

Every time I watch these movies I always cry. Why, I’m not sure. It’s always the last movies that get me. They’re really good movies. OK, let’s not judge too much now. So, yeah, this past weekend took a lot out of me. I need sleep.