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Do you believe in Bigfoot?

Do you believe in  Bigfoot? Do you believe in  Bigfoot?

I was watching TV the other day. One of the shows that popped up was “Finding Bigfoot.” Now, I don’t really believe in Bigfoot, but this show is actually really interesting. There’s this team of four people, called Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization. They go out into the woods to try and catch a Bigfoot on film.

It’s kind of funny how they do things. They do a yelp on how they think a Bigfoot would sound. They also hit trees, because that’s what Bigfoot’s do to communicate with each other. It’s weird, but somehow interesting. I don’t know why.

The people on the show go to random towns all over the country, they’ll have town hall meetings, and a good amount of people will actually show up to these meetings.

The team will then ask all these people if they ever encountered Bigfoot before. Some people will then raise their hands, and they’ll tell the team where and when they “saw” the Bigfoot.

The team usually picks three people with the best Bigfoot sighting. Then they split up and go to where these people saw the Bigfoot and try to determine if they actually saw one or not.

After they’re all done investigating, they choose a spot that’s in between the spots they’ve investigated. They’ll do a night investigation. They’ll do the normal stuff like the yelps and knocks, but they’ll even do stuff like cookouts, because that’s apparently what Bigfoot likes. They also invite guests to help with their nighttime investigations. Like I said, I really don’t believe in Bigfoot. I’ve heard about a fair share of Bigfoot sightings up where my grandparents live. That gives me the question: does Bigfoot possibly exist? I used to live in the woods, and when I was younger I would always look out my window at night in hopes of seeing something. In the 15 years I lived in the woods, I’ve only seen deer, fox, and rarely, a wolf. So that is why I don’t believe in Bigfoot.

Now others might believe in Bigfoot, andpossiblywanttoprovemewrong,and to that I say, “Show me that he’s real then I’ll believe you.” You’re going to have to do better than the show “Finding Bigfoot. They were doing that show for years, and said they weren’t going to stop the show unless they found one. Guess what? They didn’t find one, and they stopped the show. I’m kind of upset about it, because it was weirdly entertaining and funny.

I would recommend watching the show, if you’re into that kind of stuff. I just watched because it was on TV. Plus, it was kind of funny. If you believe in Bigfoot, good for you. No one will judge you. I don’t think anyway. If they do that’s their problem. My grandparents are going to kill me, because I don’t believe in Bigfoot.