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Rethinking a Wisconsin icon

Rethinking a Wisconsin icon Rethinking a Wisconsin icon

You’re probably look at the title of my latest column and thinking it has to do the Aaron Rodgers, the quarterback of the Green Bay Packers. At least, he is for now. But no, my column has nothing to do with Rodgers and the “will he or won’t he be back” carousel that has come to dominant the radio airwaves.

My column takes a look at a different kind of Wisconsin icon, one that has to do with food. For anyone that has ever embarked on a road trip, you know that when it comes to food, your options are nearly limitless.

Fast food restaurants dominate the country and interstates that criss-cross this great nation. Some chains are everywhere, like Subway or McDonalds. Others are more local, like Cracker Barrel, Chic-fil-a and Whattaburger.

You have options for burgers, pizzas, tacos and even sushi. Although, I would advise you at least think twice about eating gas station sushi.

When it comes to our state, there’s probably no fast food joint more cherished than Culvers and its famous butter burger. This is where I have to commit a form of blasphemy.

I think Culvers is overrated. It’s butter burger is too greasy and loaded with cholesterol to ever be more than a last option to me.

But before you cast cheese curds upon my head, and refuse to look in my general direction, allow me to set your mind at ease. You see, I’ve had a recent change of heart.

It came last week as I was returning from a trip to Madison. My travelling companion expressed his love of Culvers, and also his disbelief at my distaste for Wisconsin’s finest fast food option. Since he had had a long, hard day, I decided to indulge him and give Culvers a second chance.

I have to admit, I might have been mistaken, and now I am wondering if I owe Culvers an apology after all these years of trashing them online. It had been years since I had eaten anything there, and so I consulted my friend. Of course, he advised the butter burger.

I sighed, but I agreed to eat there, and was committed to laying my hands on those greasy buns and looking at Culvers with new eyes. Perhaps it was the hunger, or perhaps it was this particular burger joint in Tomah, but I found myself enjoying the butter burger.

My friend looked at me with a smug face, as if to say “I told you so.” Or at least that’s what he would have done if he was not blissfully stuffing his face with cheese curds, his own butter burger and two grilled cheese sandwiches.

I finished the butter burger and washed it down with some soda and gave a content sigh. I have to admit, it had been a tasty burger. So let it not be said that I am so stubborn that I will never change my mind.

Now, I’m not saying that Culvers is my new favorite burger joint, but I won’t argue with my friends if they want to eat there. However, I will never change my opinion on Chic-fil-a. That place is totally overrated.