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To move or not to move

To move or not to move To move or not to move

My wife and I are at the age when we are starting to think about possibly moving to a condo. I have friends who enjoy condo living, and some are encouraging me that it is time for my wife and me to do the same. They tell us that there are many advantages to living in a condo.

According to my friends, one of the virtues of condo living is the great sense of community. We would share a proximity to all our neighbors; thus, we would form new friendships, meaning there would also be many new social activities. But then, I wonder, would this be a good thing? Would we want to be so close to everyone all the time?

I decided I should probably do some research about condo living. Upon doing so, I learned that condominiums often have top-notch amenities, state-ofthe- art appliances, good security, covered maintenance, and cheaper insurance. I admit, this list contained many positives to consider.

I realize that there are usually some negatives to offset the positives in any decision-making. So I thought about reasons why I should not sell my home and move to a condo. The first thing that came to mind is that I would miss my yard. I enjoy mowing my lawn and keeping up the yard. I also enjoy working on my two classic cars, and with the limited parking that comes with condos, I would most certainly have to give up one car.

And what about all our stuff? Would we have room for all my trophies, model trains, computers, Mayberry collectibles, and auto care items? Where would we put all my wife’s sewing, knitting, and craft items? And what about her collections and antique furniture pieces? Some important treasures would certainly have to go.

However, I think what we would miss most if we became condo owners would be young people. We currently live in a very family-oriented neighborhood adjacent to an elementary school. We enjoy sitting outside and visiting with people who walk by with their children and dogs. We also appreciate the sounds of children playing in the school playground. Would we be happy living with all retired people? I think not.

So, for now, I think we will stay where we are and put the notion of a condo to rest. However, we may change our mind if we get three feet of snow next winter.

Ken Anderson, the “Mayberry Guru,” can be reached at and www.themayberryguru. com