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Mask requirement lifted at most Clark Co. facilities

As of Monday, April 5, face coverings are no longer required inside most Clark County facilities, according to a press release from emergency management director John Clark.

Face coverings are still required at the Clark County Rehab & Living Center in Owen and the Clark County Circuit Court and associated offices on the fourth floor of the Clark County Courthouse.

The announcement comes about a week after the Wisconsin Supreme Court issued a ruling striking down Governor Evers’ Public Health Emergency related to COVID-19 and a corresponding statewide mask mandate.

The county’s press release notes that it is “still the recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of Health Services (DHS), and the Clark County Health Department (CCHD), to follow all COVID-19 precautions.”

“This would include the wearing of face coverings (as able) when in a public setting, enclosed space, or anytime there is close contact to another person outside of your household,” the release states.

Clark County requests the public’s help with containing the spread of the pandemic by avoiding non-essential visits to county offices and facilities including the courthouse, highway department, and Adult Development Services.

“Please use alternate means of communicating with county agencies such as telephone, email, U.S. Mail, etc. to conduct business where possible,” the release states.

Anyone with questions is asked to call the administrative coordinator at 715743-5150 or the department they wish to contact.

Additional updates and information can be found on the Clark County website at