City tournament will open here on Friday nite
The Abbotsford Athletic Association will be host at a basketball tournament of six city teams at the Abbotsford armory Friday, Saturday and Sunday, March 2, 3, and 4.
The teams, members of the Cloverbelt League, include Wisconsin Rapids Modern Shoe, Owen Legion, Neillsville Merchants’ Hotel, Medford Bottle Gas, Stratford, and the Abbotsford Guards.
Games will be played in the evening only on Friday and Saturday, and on Sunday afternoon, with consolation and finals Sunday evening.
The Owen Legion team and Medford Bottle Gas will open the tournament Friday night at 7:30, with Stratford and Abbotsford playing the second game that evening.
Dorchester will meet Marshfield at 7:30 and Wisconsin Rapids will play Neillsville at 9:00 o’clock Saturday night. Semi-finals will be played Sunday afternoon at 2:00 and 3:30 o’clock. The consolation game will be played at 8:00, and the championship match will get underway at 9:30 Saturday night.
Prizes will be awarded for first, second, third and fourth place winners, and sportsmanship and all-tournament team awards will also be made.
Dr. Arthur Fults is manager of the tournament, which is the fourth annual event here.
Shopping Guide will be worth watching for The March edition of the Abbotsford Shopping Guide, sponsored by the chamber of commerce, will be printed next week and will contain items of special interest to everyone.
Colby Chamber looking for new state farm wife
The Colby Chamber of Commerce is seeking candidates to serve as the fifth “Wisconsin Farm Wife of the Year.”
Applications for the annual contest may be submitted by family members, organizations or the candidate herself.
Applications will be accepted through March 15. Forms are available at Colby businesses, from any county home economist, or by writing the Colby Chamber of Commerce, Box 444, Colby, 54421.
The chamber said that since the Wisconsin Farm Wife plays such as important role in the development of the family farm operation, the group again wants to give her a chance to tell her story.
The winner will be announced on March 31. She will receive a $300 cash prize and gift certificates, and will be guest of honor at an April 25 banquet at the Sword in Colby, where the Wisconsin secretary of agriculture will be the main speaker.
The chamber will also pay travel expenses for the title holder to attend Farm Progress Days, the Wisconsin State Fair, Colby Cheese Days and other activities.
The application will include general information and descriptions of the candidate’s involvement in both the managerial and physical aspects of the farm operation, plus a description of the farm’s growth.
Another section of the application deals with the candidate’s involvement in farm-related projects and organizations as well as other community groups. A description of the applicant’s educational and family involvement will also be requested.