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Colby Community Library’s ‘22 activities

Colby Community Library’s ‘22 activities Colby Community Library’s ‘22 activities

Libraries are evolving. If you haven’t been into the Colby Community Library (CCL) recently, stop in to see what you have been missing. The staff is eager to assist in finding library materials to fill patron needs.

There were eight lucky prize winners to celebrate the anniversary of opening the doors to the new Colby Community Library building four years ago. During the three week promotion, 328 people registered to win the gift baskets.

Souvenir pens, containing CCL contact information, were given out to 250 patrons, and 175 youth enjoyed the Reindeer pop treats.

Games and Fun in ’21 BINGO had nearly 100 completed entries submitted. In the book challenge, 16 winners were drawn and rewarded with Abby/Colby Chamber certificates or cash prizes. In the movie challenge, three winners were awarded prizes.

Visit the craft table in the library to pick up Pompom Snowmen or Penguins, Tissue Paper Polar Bears, and Snowmen Sticker Scenes. Craft bags are free; please choose two crafts per visit per child.

Travel Around the World

The CCL’s year-long theme for 2022 will be “Travel Around the World.” Books and movies will be on display about a variety of countries each month. One country will be highlighted monthly; in January, France will be in the spotlight.

Passport Challenge

The annual CCL Adult Reading and Movie Challenge, 2022 style, features “Travel Around the World” PASSPORTS. Pick up book and/or movie passports at the circulation desk.

Books or movies need to merely mention a country somewhere in the book, and they will count for a passport “stamp.” Fill the passport by reading 10 books or viewing 10 movies with different countries mentioned.

Items must be checked out at the Colby Community Library for the challenges and each book may only be used once during the year. Patrons may turn in as many passports as they are able to finish throughout the year.

All passports turned in by December 29, 2022 at 5 p.m. will be eligible for Abby/ Colby Chamber Certificates in a drawing from the completed passports.

New CCL lists are available. Wondering what new books were added to the CCL collection in 2021? Pick up that list. Want to view movies purchased in 2021? We have a list of those.

Each year, director Vicky Calmes compiles a list of favorite books. “Best Reads 20+20+1 list will be available mid-month; there are copies of past “best reads” lists dating back to 2009 to take.

A packet of all the books read by the book clubs (since 2006), with member ratings, is printed and available.

Basic paper forms will be arriving sometime in January and February for both Wisconsin and Federal taxes. When they arrive, look for them in a special rack in the vestibule of the library.

Computers are also available to print forms not supplied to libraries for a fee. Fax, scanner, and copying services are available for a slight charge.

Cheese Days Sale

The Friends of the CCL will be collecting items for the annual Cheese Days Book and Movie Sale. Bring clean, saleable books, DVDs, CDs and puzzles to Forward Bank, Colby location, during regular business hours.

Please note: No Reader’s Digest Condensed books, VHS movies, magazines, or items in dirty condition.

Also, remove any identifying names or stickers before donating. No books are being collected at the library. The Cheese Days Book and Movie Sale will be July 14-16, 2022.

The CCL Evening Book Club will meet Tuesday, Jan. 18 at 6 p.m. The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson will be discussed. Discussion leader will be Vlasta K. Blaha.

Friday, Jan. 21, will be Craft and Hobby night beginning at 5 p.m. Bring individual crafts or help with the upcoming service project preparations. No meal will be served; bring personal snacks and beverages if desired. Masks are required in the building and are to be worn throughout the evening.

Winter hours, through March 2021, are M/W/F from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Tues./ Thurs., from noon-7 p.m. The library will be closed Saturday and Sunday. COVID- 19 precautions remain in place; masks are required to enter the library.

Curbside service is always available during open hours; call the library at 715-223-2000 for assistance. Watch for any changes on the CCL website and Facebook page or in the Tribune-Phonograph.

Make plans to travel to the Colby Community Library to see what awaits you in 2022.