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CHS class of 1965 gathers for reunion

CHS class of 1965 gathers for reunion CHS class of 1965 gathers for reunion

The Colby High School class of 1965 held its 56th class reunion on Oct. 2 at the Colby VFW.

An optional tour of the Colby Community Library was given to classmates by librarian Vicky Calmes at 10 a.m. Mary Singstock welcomed classmates and teachers before lunch was served at noon.

After lunch, Tony Stuttgen reminesced about the cost of items back in 1965, JoAnne Peterson named the top songs of that year and Jane Meyer gave a humorous talk about some changes that have occurred during last 56 years.

Peterson led the group in a moment of silence for the 17 classmates who have passed away.

Joan Laabs read the prophesy for each classmate, after which they told a little about their lives since graduation.

Peterson volunteered to send directories of the class members’ addresses, emails and phone members to interested classmates.

Classmates plan to gather again in 2025. The planning committee will be Joan Laabs, Roger Birkett, Judy Underwood and Tony Stuttgen.

Prizes were given to the classmate closest to the VFW, with the longest beard, with the youngest great-grandchild, the one farthest from Colby, with the most great-grandchildren, with the first reservation, and the one who worked in the healthcare field as a nurse.

Teachers present were Elaine Haas, Carol Subera and Anne Teska, who were presented with flowering plants.

Thirty-one classmates and spouses or guests attended the reunion.

Those present were Warren and Debby Ayer, Fremont; JoAnne (Becherer) Peterson, Brookfield; Roger and Pat Birkett, Madison; Robert and Judy Brehm, Oshkosh; Janice (Cline) and Don Kemp, Appleton; Nancy (Doberstein) and Jerry Weis, Stratford; Robert and Lottie Flink, Abbotsford; Rita (Haas) Kloehn, Marshfi eld; Gary and Judee Jicinsky, Marshfi eld; Steve and Barbara Justman, Unity; Sandra (Krebsbach) Gawryleski, Gresham; John and Leni Kunick, Miami, Fla.; Ron Lynn, Wilson; Sharwin (Meacham) Gosse, Colby; Bonnie (Mueller) and Ken Kloth, Merrill; Wayne and Karen Neuman, Colby; Russ and Judy Palmerton, Abbotsford; Robert Pinter and Yolanda Gillman, Tomahawk; Dale Ploeckelman, Abbotsford; Joan (Roth) Laabs, Tomahawk; Beverly (Runzheimer) Yagow, Watertown; Nancy (Salter) Morrow, Marshfi eld;Judy(Shuh)andLeRoyUnderwood, Abbotsford; Darold Seefeldt, Unity; David and Sandra Skrzeczkowski, Plover; Cal Smart, Crossville, Tenn.; Tony and Debbie Stuttgen, Unity; Gerald and Maxine Voight, Menasha; Mary (Vorland) and Allen Singstock, Oshkosh; Jane (Wollert) and Dan Meyer, Holcombe; Carol Zuber, West DePere.