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Two Abby M.S. students win Lions poster contest

Two Abby M.S. students win Lions poster contest Two Abby M.S. students win Lions poster contest

One poster takes fourth at state

Abbotsford Middle School students Zolton Rodriguez, 11, and Cooper Rothenberger, 11, are the local winners of the Lions Clubs International Peace Poster contest.

The posters were submitted to the district level, 27-C1, and Zolton’s took first place and Cooper’s took third place. Zolton’s poster advanced to the Lions state level where he placed fourth.

Given the unprecedented time society is experiencing, the Abbotsford Lions Club invited Zolton and Cooper, along with their families, to a Lions meeting in the open air of the Red Arrow Park shelter. There they were given their award certificates and the prize monies they received at the local and district levels.

Lions Clubs International sponsors this contest to emphasize the importance of world peace to young people everywhere. There are approximately 600,000 entries each year from around the world. The Abbotsford Lions club sponsors the contest, working with the art teacher, Debbie Englebretson, in the local school.

The posters were selected for originality, artistic merit and portrayal of the contest theme, “Peace Through Service.”

The quote Zolton wrote was “Peace can bring us together.” The quote Cooper wrote was “Peace does not only mean people of all races coming together or peace in the silence. It’s having good in the bad times, and having bad times look toward the good. Life is peace itself. “

The Abbotsford Lions take pride that they are able to provide young people with the opportunity to share their visions.

If you would like to view the grand prize winner and merit award winners from around the world, go to www.lionsclubs. org

CO-WINNER -Lion Pauline Schiferl, Peace Poster chair, presents an award to Cooper Rothenberger, co-winner of this year’s poster contest. He is joined by mother, Stacy Schreiner, brother Blake Reinehart, and art teacher Debbie Engelbretson. In the back, from left to right, are his sister, Karleigh Rinehart, mom’s fiancé Joshua Rinehart, and sisters Dixie and Jayden Rothenberger.