ORCHESTER Dorchester Park Corporation
The regular meeting of the Dorchester Park Corporation board was held Jan. 29 at 6:40 p.m. at the village hall, with board president Ron Robida presiding. Eight members were present.
Terry Ludwig volunteered to check out LED Christmas lights before storing them.
With the new campground addition, lawn mowing has increased. The board is seeking someone to mow this summer.
Robida will look into costs, etc. for a new power unit for lawn-mowing.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
The 52nd annual meeting of the Dorchester Park Corporation was convened at 7:45 p.m., immediately following the regular meeting. Ron Robida presided. Twelve members were present.
Robida reported on 2019 park improvements, including completion of shelter #2 bathrooms, 14 new campsites, and trees planted at new campsites. The DNR added 400 trout to the lake, and the Kalepps also added bass.
Camping has increased substantially.
A new aerator in the lake has replaced the old one, resulting in a monthly savings of $140.
The three board members, Terry Ludwig, Ron Robida and Grace Dietel-Ensign, were reelected by unanimous vote for another three-year term.
Annual dues remain at $20 for families and $15 for individuals. They can be paid to treasurer Alex Pinter or any board member.
Robida thanked the many people who donate time and funds to make it possible to have the beautiful park.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Beverages, cheese, sausage and crackers were served.
The following students recently graduated from UW-Stevens Point: Reggie Kellnhofer, bachelor’s degree in English; Klayton Kree, bachelor’s degree in soil and waste resources — soil and land management; Andrew Miller, magna cum laude, bachelor’s degree in business administration, accounting; Jacob Miller, magna cum laude, bachelor’s degree in computer information systemnetworking/ info assurance, web and digital media development.