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Elk monitoring volunteers needed in Flambeau River State Forest and Clam Lake

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking volunteers to host cameras in the Flambeau River State Forest and Clam Lake to effectively monitor the reintroduced elk herds in Wisconsin.

A large number of volunteer cameras are still needed to monitor the elk. Volunteer-managed cameras in the elk reintroduction areas have helped DNR research scientists and biologists monitor important herd metrics, including estimated population size, cow and bull ratios and bull age structure. The monitoring is part of the DNR’s Snapshot Wisconsin program, a volunteerbased project for wildlife monitoring.

Training and equipment are provided free of charge to approved volunteers assigned a camera located within their preferred elk reintroduction area. Volunteers interested must check cameras every 90 days, change out batteries and SD cards, then securely upload photos to Snapshot Wisconsin.

Trail cameras have been an accurate and effective method to collect data on the elk herd without disturbing them. The DNR uses these metrics to make informed management decisions to ensure a sustainable and healthy herd.

You can apply for a camera used to monitor elk at Requirements for participation include basic computer skills, access to high-speed internet and the ability to check the camera every 90 days for at least one year.

Once widespread across North America, elk were eliminated from Wisconsin in the 1880s. Wisconsin now boasts a healthy, growing elk population thanks to two restoration efforts that began in 1995 and concluded in 2019.

The Clam Lake elk range covers 1,620 square miles and reaches into portions of Ashland, Bayfield, Price, Rusk and Sawyer counties. It is Wisconsin’s northern elk zone where the first restoration effort began in 1995 with 25 elk from Michigan.

From 2017-2019, 91 elk from Kentucky were released to bolster the Clam Lake elk herd population, which has grown to an estimated 330 animals. Additionally, 73 elk were reintroduced to the 252-square-mile Black River elk range in 2015 and 2016. The population today is estimated at 115 animals, bringing the statewide total population estimate to 445 elk.

Snapshot Wisconsin is a year-round monitoring effort using a statewide network of trail cameras. The project provides data needed for wildlife management decision support. It is also a unique opportunity for individuals, families and students to get involved in monitoring the state’s valuable natural resources.