2021 statewide annual Drain Campaign
Wisconsin’s annual Drain Campaign will kick off June 4-6, aligning with both the WDNR Free Fishing Weekend and Invasive Species Action Month.
A major action anglers and boaters can take is to remember to drain all water from boats, motors and live wells before leaving the lake or river. Shore anglers should drain containers with their catches before leaving the shoreline. During this statewide event, volunteers and paid staff will remind boaters and anglers of these simple steps while being a resource for others who are not aware of these laws.
Wisconsin boaters and regular visitors from other states have become pros at setting an example for new boat owners and anglers by showing others the routine of draining all water and removing any aquatic plants or animals from boats, motors, trailers and other equipment. Draining all water helps prevent the spread of numerous invasive species that aren’t easily seen. These include diseases, such as Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS), and microscopic larvae of zebra mussels.
When it comes to moving your catch, ice will keep the fish more fresh than water.
“Anglers are passionate about protecting the places they enjoy and know the right thing to do is to remove all plants and animals and drain water from their boats and trailers,” said Chris Hamerla, avid angler and regional AIS coordinator with Golden Sands RC& D Council. “That includes draining livewells and buckets which helps keep microscopic invasive species and diseases from moving between lakes and rivers.”
Every year, Clean Boats Clean Waters (CBCW) boat inspectors are at launches throughout the state reminding anglers and boaters about the water draining law in Wisconsin. The CBCW program is one of Wisconsin’s premier prevention efforts. To learn more about this program or AIS in your area contact Cisar or Hamerla at info@goldensandsrcd.org, 715-343-6215 or visit goldensands. org.
No matter where you launch, always remember before you leave the launch to:
_ Inspect boats, trailers and equipment for attached aquatic plants or animals.
_ Remove all attached plants or animals.
_ Drain all water from boats, motors, livewells and other equipment.
_ Never move live fish away from a waterbody (out of water = dead).
_ Dispose of unwanted bait in the trash.
_ Buy minnows from a Wisconsin bait dealer.
_ Only use leftover minnows when either 1) fishing with them on the same body of water or 2) on other waters if no lake/river water or other fish have been added to the container.