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Online public comment period for antlerless deer quotas, permits runs through April 29

Online public comment period for antlerless deer quotas, permits runs through April 29 Online public comment period for antlerless deer quotas, permits runs through April 29

The Department of Natural Resources invites anyone interested in deer management in Wisconsin to provide feedback on preliminary recommendations for the 2020 deer hunting season structure.

Every county in Wisconsin has a County Deer Advisory Council (CDAC). The councils give the people of Wisconsin significant input into local deer management. These meetings are important for shaping the 2020 deer hunting seasons and annual antlerless harvest quotas. The CDACs provide the preliminary recommendations.

Each CDAC is made up of representatives from different interest groups that provide recommendations to the DNR on deer management within their county. Members review county-level population data and deer impacts on forests and agriculture, develop three-year recommendations on county population objectives and create annual antlerless harvest quotas.

Taylor County’s council, on April 6, recommended a harvest quota of 2,500 deer on private lands in the county, resulting in a proposed 8,350 permits being available to the general public. The proposed public-land harvest quota is 300 deer with a recommended 1,000 permits being available to the public.

Anyone wishing to provide feedback on the preliminary recommendations for their county can provide input through April 29 online by visiting and searching key word CDAC. There, you can take the online survey for your county of interest and view each county’s recommendations, agendas, and members. You can also view the dates, times and call-in numbers for the CDAC’s final quota-setting meetings May 4-7, which will again be held via conference call due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Taylor County’s council will meet Monday, May 4 at 7 p.m. The call-in number is 855-947-8255 and the passcode is 7407-385#. The council will consider public feedback and determine their final recommendations for the 2020 deer hunting season.

The DNR will review the final CDAC recommendations following the May meetings and provide proposals to the Natural Resources Board for approval in June.