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Volunteers make it happen

Volunteers make it happen Volunteers make it happen

A documentary crew from Poland was in Lublin on Sunday afternoon asking people why events like Lublin Days matter to them. They were also asking about the value of groups, like the Lublin American Legion Post, whose volunteers help put on such events each year.

The same sort of question could have been asked elsewhere in the county about the role of Rumblefest and its volunteers or the Taylor County Fair and the small army of volunteers who make that happen, or about the Medford Lions Duck Race. Last weekend was a busy one in Taylor County for both event-goers and volunteers.

Events bring people together. Festivals and other special events help define a community as being more than just a place where people happen to live near one other. Events help forge bonds and tear down walls. They help neighbors and strangers connect to build lasting positive relationships.

If you enjoyed a chicken dinner while sitting in the park in Lublin last weekend, thank the volunteers who spent hours grilling the chicken to perfection.

If you enjoyed the gleam of the chrome and classic curves at the Rumblefest Car Show in the Medford City Park over the weekend, thank the volunteers who worked to make it happen.

If you cheered on your rubber duck as it bobbed its way down the river, thank the volunteers who were hip deep keeping the ducks from getting caught on rocks and fishing them out by the Medford Curling Club.

If your child took part in the animal judging at the Taylor County Fair, enjoyed the rides, food and special events such as cheering as demolition derby cars chased each other around the ring to be the last one running, then you should thank the volunteers who worked tirelessly to make it all happen.

Volunteers are at the heart of every community event. They don’t do it for the applause. Most will avoid the spotlight and grumble if their picture makes it into the newspaper coverage of the event.

They certainly don’t do it for any personal financial gain. Event organizers and volunteers squeeze every dime in the budgets to ensure those attending have a good time and that things run smoothly.

While last weekend was a particularly busy one for area residents, each week sees events and activities made possible by the hard work of volunteers and the generosity of business sponsors. Without committed individuals these events would not happen and our communities would be diminished by their loss.

Next time you are at an event, take the time to thank the volunteers who make it happen. When you go into a business that is an event sponsor, thank them for supporting their community and making it stronger. And next time you see a call for volunteers to help with an event, don’t be afraid to step up and answer that call.

If special events are at the heart of communities, it is the volunteers who are the lifeblood that keeps things running.