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WNA Foundation kicks off 2nd annual Civics Games Editorial Writing and Cartoon Contest

WNA Foundation kicks off 2nd annual Civics  Games Editorial Writing and Cartoon Contest WNA Foundation kicks off 2nd annual Civics  Games Editorial Writing and Cartoon Contest

At the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation, we work to increase public awareness and understanding of the First Amendment and support educational initiatives for the next generation — future newspaper readers and journalists.

It’s why we launched the Wisconsin Civics Games and the Civics Games Editorial Writing & Cartoon Contest.

We’re excited to announce the second annual Editorial Writing & Cartoon Contest, which aims to increase civic education and engagement while celebrating the rights established by the First Amendment.

The contest is open to all Wisconsin middle and high school students, including home-schooled students. Essays and cartoons should focus on the importance of the First Amendment. Students are encouraged to draw from personal experiences, current events and historical examples.

The deadline for submissions is 11:59 p.m. Monday, Oct. 24, and winners will be announced in early December.

First-place winners in each contest will receive $500, second-place winners will receive $250, third-place winners will receive $100 and honorable mention recipients will receive $50. Winning entries also will be published by newspapers across the state.

Writing contest

For the writing contest, high school students will be asked to write a “guest column” (500 words or less) about the First Amendment, and middle school students will be asked to write a “letter to the editor” (200 words or less) on the same topic. Enter the contest online at civics_games_editorial_writing_contest.

Cartoon contest

Students wishing to compete in the editorial cartoon contests may do so by submitting one First Amendmentthemed editorial cartoon. Enter the contest online at civics_games_editorial_cartoon_contest.

Additional information can be found at wisconsincivicsgames. com. Those interested in providing support through a donation or sponsorship can also find more information on the Civics Games website.