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Writer disagrees with comments

Carol Tomfohrde



After reading Mr. Berglund’s comments on the State of the Union address given by our President Donald Trump, I feel I need to comment on it.

I have watched many State of the Union addresses over the years and felt this was the best one yet. You, like all your other Democratic friends, have disliked this president from the time he was elected and have made up your mind no matter what he has accomplished for the good of Americans, you are against it.

Your comments about Nancy Pelosi tearing up Trump’s speech was the high point of the evening. I don’t think you have very high points. For a grown woman, she was acting very childish. She has a problem, when she can’t have things her own way, it’s like she’s throwing a tantrum. He stated the low point of the evening was when President Trump awarded the Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh has always stoop up for America, but because he is a Trump supporter, of course you’re against what he did. I question if you know the difference between low and high points.

Many of the people Trump let go or fired were leftovers from the Obama Administration. Many were leaking to the news media or spying behind his back. I would have gotten rid of them, too.

I might suggest you change your TV channel once in a while so you get other points of view on what’s going on in the world, it might open your eyes. It really has been nice over the last few years to be able to wish your friends a “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays.” I agree with Mr. Kapfhamer to vote Mr. Trump in for another four years so we can continue to keep America great.