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– Letters to the Editor –

The food pantry boxes in Cornell, were put in place to help people who need a little extra occasional help. Donations of food are much appreciated.

I am going to ask that people follow a few simple rules when donating.

Please, no glass items, ever. No dairy, or things that need to be frozen or refrigerated. NO CANNED GOODS DURING THE WINTER, please, only dry goods.

If you need more assistance, please visit the Cornell Food Pantry, Tuesdays, 3:30-5:30 p.m. If you currently receive items from the food pantry and are not going to use them, please return them to the food pantry or let them know you don’t want that item.

Inappropriate items left in the boxes will be removed and dumped.

Thank you for those who donate. Blessings to all of you and thanks for understanding.

Kathy Swanson, Cornell

If you live in the Town of Sigel, your April 1 election ballot, will include a local referendum question. You will be asked to vote, yes or no, as to whether the clerk and treasurer positions remain elected positions, or become appointed positions.

More towns are moving to an appointment approach, for a number of reasons. Some of those reasons were expressed by Carol Nawrocki, assistant director of the Wisconsin Towns Association, in an interview published in the Wausau Daily Herald, as follows: “The primary benefit of the change, is that the offices can be held by people who are not residents of the municipality,” said Nawrocki. “Elected officials must reside in the district they are elected in, in Wisconsin. Appointed officials may reside elsewhere, and may even serve as clerk or treasurer in other municipalities.”

A second benefit, is the ability to set qualifications for the positions. Nawrocki said things like education in finance, municipal government experience and skill in certain software programs, may be examples of qualifications established for the roles.

Stability is a third benefit Nawrocki identified. Elected clerks learn the role, complete training sessions, travel to conventions or other educational opportunities, then lose an election and a newly elected clerk may have to start that learning process over again.

Because of the timing of our referendum, should the referendum pass, it cannot become effective until April of 2027. The reason being, the clerk and treasurer positions have candidates on the ballot this April 1, with terms expiring in 2027.

At that time, again, assuming the referendum passes, the town board would be authorized to appoint (hire) the clerk and treasurer. If the elected clerk and treasurer are still interested in the positions at that time, they could be appointed to those same positions.

The appointment method helps ensure qualified individuals hold the positions, allows for appointment of individuals from outside the town and in the event of resignations, makes it much easier to fill the positions.

The Town of Arthur not only made the change to the appointment of the clerk and treasurer, but combined the positions, as well.

Vernon Haas, Cadott