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A pirate’s life for me! Savvy?

A pirate’s life for me! Savvy? A pirate’s life for me! Savvy?

– Time For A Tiara: Column by Ginna Young –

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 20 years, since Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, premiered in theatres (July 9). I didn’t get to go see it on the big screen, but was able to watch it for the first time after it came out on DVD.

From almost the first opening sequence, I fell in love with it – hard. It didn’t hurt that it starred Orlando Bloom, who I thought and still think, is just plain fine! But, surprisingly, it was the enigmatic role of Capt. Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp, that really drew me in.

You know how some actors are just born to play a certain part? Yeah, Johnny Depp is one of those people. Originally, when watching the trailers for the movie, Mom rolled her eyes and said it didn’t look good to her, that it looked stupid.

Guess who fell head over heels for Capt. Jack? She says it’s because he makes such a good pirate, but if you push enough, she’ll admit it’s because his eyes “smolder.” I was lucky enough to have those smoldering eyes turned toward me one year, at Rock Fest, when Depp was touring with the Hollywood Vampires and he didn’t disappoint.

After watching the movie for the first time, we have since re-watched it over and over, and over again, knowing it by heart. We frequently quote bits from it and the subsequent four sequels.

If you’ve never seen it, the movie is about the pirate Sparrow trying to get his ship, the Black Pearl, back from his archnemesis and the mate who led a mutiny while Jack was the captain. On a deeper note, the crew of the Pearl was cursed, because they took some Aztec treasure that should have been left alone, then traded those gold pieces away and didn’t know until it was too late, that they needed to get the gold back or they would never die.

Not only wouldn’t they die, they couldn’t feel anything, taste anything, it was a total bummer. Mixed in with this, was the star-crossed young pair of the aforementioned Bloom and his heart’s desire, Keira Knightly. When casting this movie, those in charge did superbly, I loved all the actors.

Anyway, the humor, pathos, extraordinary action scenes and terrific computer-generated graphics, made for what is one of my very favorite movies and favorite soundtracks.

Obviously, when the second installment was ready to hit theatres ( Dead Man’s Chest), I had to be there to see it in person. That was easier than it sounded. At the time, Cornell’s beloved theatre was still in operation, but when arriving at the opening night – the projector had broken down. I was more than a little disappointed, even though it did play a few days later, and I went to see it.

The third movie went off without a hitch, as well as the fourth. Each time, I’d tell Mom a couple funny parts from it, but would withhold vital information, so she could be surprised when we finally got the DVD. I remember, we got up early the day the fourth movie ( On Stranger Tides) came out, because she couldn’t wait to get to Walmart to buy it and watch it.

What can I say, I told her about the cool mermaid scene and she LOVES mermaids.

We love the series of movies so much, that at one time, the whole house was covered with huge posters of Capt. Jack in various poses. Over the years, the posters became torn or faded from the sun coming through the windows, but one remains (in my bedroom) and has even gotten comments from Zoom meeting participants.

It might be a little faded, but hey, those eyes still smolder, so it stays!

Mom has never been a big fan of seeing movies at the theatre. It’s too loud, there are too many people and you can’t pause it for bathroom breaks. Imagine how floored I was, when the paper staff and families planned to go to see the fifth, and final(?) installment, at Micon Cinema in Chippewa Falls, that Mom agreed to go along.

To this day, I’m still so happy she was with us and that we could do that together.

Even though I love each and every one of the sequels, the Black Pearl will always be my favorite and the one I always turn to when I’m the mood for some swashbuckle. If you’re looking for a flick that isn’t too heavy and really can be watched without any sequels, I’d recommend watching the Curse of the Black Pearl.

You may find you have a bit of pirate in you. Savvy?