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Boosting community health is a goal for the Red Cross

Boosting community health is a goal for the Red Cross Boosting community health is a goal for the Red Cross

The American Red Cross of Wisconsin, is helping to bridge access to healthcare for blood donors, by providing free A1C testing, commonly used to screen for diabetes and prediabetes, on all successful blood, platelet and plasma donations in March.

One-third of people lack access to regular primary care in the U.S., where diabetes affects one in 10 people and nearly a quarter of those living with it, have been undiagnosed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The free A1C screening aims to help address this gap, by empowering blood donors with valuable information to maintain their health and well-being.

According to the CDC, some 90 percent of people living with diabetes in the U.S., have Type 2, a largely preventable and often reversible insulin-resistant condition that can cause dangerously high blood sugar levels. Left untreated, Type 2 diabetes can lead to serious health complications, such as kidney failure, stroke and heart issues. “Type 2 diabetes develops over years, and may not cause obvious symptoms, until serious damage has been done,” said Dr. Courtney Lawrence, medical director for the Red Cross. “By understanding our own health, we can create a foundation to help prevent chronic illness, improve the quality of day-to-day living and save lives. Blood donation can now be part of that journey.”

This new offering is among the longtime work of the Red Cross to support the health of communities, which also includes disaster relief efforts, such as basic disaster health and mental health services, among other assistance.

Visit, use the Red Cross Blood Donor App or call 800-RED CROSS, to book a time to give in March, and learn more about health. Additionally, all who come to give blood, platelets or plasma, March 1-31, will receive a $10 gift card by email.

A financial donation can also be given at the website, to support people with disaster services.