Improve telecommunication access and its affordability

The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) is encouraging eligible organizations to apply for grant funding, to improve the availability and affordability of telecommunications services to Wisconsin residents. These grant funding opportunities include the Non-profit Access Grant Program and the Lifeline Outreach Grant Program.
Both grant programs are funded by the Universal Service Fund, to help Wisconsinites access essential telecommunications services. “These programs are integral to the PSC’s mission to ensure equitable access to essential telecommunications services, for all Wisconsin residents,” said PSC chairperson Summer Strand. “Grant recipients will help people stay connected to their loved ones, educational and vocational resources, medical professionals and more.”
The Non-profit Access Grant Program provides grant funding to non-profit organizations to facilitate affordable access to essential telecommunication services for low-income households, people with disabilities and customers in areas with relatively high costs of services.
This round of the program will have a two-year performance period, and the commission may award $500,000 in grants. Applications are due March 6, at 1:30 p.m.
The Lifeline Outreach Grant Program improves participation in the Lifeline Program, which helps address affordability challenges, by providing a discount on essential telecommunication services, like internet and phone for low-income households.
Non-profit organizations, community-based agencies, institutions of higher education, local and Tribal governments, and for-profit businesses, are eligible to apply for the grant program.
The commission may award up to $250,000 in grants. Applications are due March 26, at 1:30 p.m.
All grant applications must be submitted through the PSC’s grants system. For more information, visit psc.