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Lions make it through a hot July, filled with events

Lions make it through a hot July, filled with events Lions make it through a hot July, filled with events

Charcoal chicken grillers Gary Licht and Leroy Audorf, really know what they’re doing, which was good, since there were scores of hungry diners at Nabor Days, ready to sample the Cadott Lions Club fare. Submitted Photo

The Cadott Lions Club kicked off a busy July, starting with their regular meeting, with discussions about ramps that need to be built and who can help.

“Next, placement of the benches we have on-hand that we received for all the plastic we have recycled,” said Lion Carolyn Wanish. “It now takes 1,000 pounds of recycled plastic to receive one bench.”

They then discussed Nabor Days and scheduling workers. On a very hot Friday and Saturday, during the event, the Lions sold burgers, brats and hot dogs in the east pavilion, during the truck and tractor pull, and the mud bog.

“There were many very busy bees getting the orders out,” said Wanish.

That Saturday and Sunday, in the west park, a couple Lions, early in the morning, braved the heat to grill charcoal chicken for some hungry chicken lovers.

“It was nice to see so many familiar faces and a bit of chit-chat, as they moved through the line,” said Wanish.

In the afternoon, many BINGO enthusiasts braved the heat to try their luck at winning at least one game. The duck race was a challenge, with some very confused ducks, a river that would not cooperate, thanks to a wind that would not make up its mind, but, eventually, they all got it together and the race was on.

Down the river they went, only to be caught by some crafty guy with a net.

“The weekend ended with some hot, tired, but busy Lions, cleaning everything up and putting it all back where it came from,” said Wanish. “There were many Lions happy to see the end of a very busy, hot July.”