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New requirements set for fishing tournaments

New requirements set for fishing tournaments New requirements set for fishing tournaments

Fishing tournaments that are statewide or regional in nature, seasonal, without specific fishing dates, or that have fewer than 20 boats or 100 participants, are now required to register with the DNR. Registration of these tournaments will be free of charge.

The DNR regulates fishing tournaments or organized competitive fishing events, where money or prizes are awarded to protect fish populations from overharvest, and to avoid crowding or conflicts among waterbody users. Larger tournaments and some specialized tournaments are monitored, and regulated through a paid permit system, but there is little information on unpermitted tournaments.

This registration requirement will help the DNR gather data on the number, and types, of tournaments held on Wisconsin’s waterbodies.

Tournament organizers can submit their registrations using simple online or paper forms that ask for organizer contact information, and event information, including waterbodies to be fished, dates, target species, and expected number of boats or participants.

Only one registration is required, per calendar year, for tournaments that recur as part of a series. Registrations are required to be submitted 72 hours, before the start of a tournament. Once submitted, registrations are complete and no approvals are required.

A screening tool that asks questions about the planned tournament will help organizers determine whether they need a registration or permit. Processes and regulations for tournaments that require permits are unchanged.