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Prepare for possible spring flooding before it happens

Prepare for possible spring flooding before it happens
(c)2018 Tony Savino
Prepare for possible spring flooding before it happens
(c)2018 Tony Savino

With spring around the corner, Wisconsinites need to prepare for flooding, one of the most frequently occurring natural disasters in Wisconsin, and across the United States. Flood Safety Awareness Week in Wisconsin, occurs Feb. 25 through March 2, as to raise public awareness of the importance of preparing for the risks associated with flooding.

Many communities across Wisconsin, experienced flooding last year, even though some areas in the state were experiencing low water levels at the same time.

Flood waters and runoff contaminate water supplies, destroy homes, damage property and can even result in fatalities. There were 77 people killed in the United States, in 2023, from flooding; just one inch of water can cause $25,000 of damage to a home.

In addition to anticipated seasonal flooding, extreme precipitation events are expected to increase in the future, according to the Wisconsin Initiative On Climate Change Impacts 2021 Assessment Report.

By doing the following, home and property owners can reduce the potentially devastating impacts of flooding:

• Know the flood risk – assess the potential for flooding on property if living in a flood plain, near a body of water or there’s a basement in the home.

• Educate oneself on climate change science, impacts and solutions, and stay up-to-date on the forecast. Identify multiple ways to receive alerts about dangerous weather conditions and potential flooding, such as a NOAA Weather Radio, trusted local news outlets and mobile weather apps.

• Consider purchasing a flood insurance policy. Most homeowner, rental and business insurance policies generally do not cover flooding. Don’t wait until it’s too late; most flood coverage requires 30 days to take effect.

• Know what food is safe to eat, how to care for pets and livestock and how to protect farm fields during floods, with resources from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.

• Make an emergency plan with the family for what to do if the floodwaters begin to rise. Identify a meeting place, and make a list of emergency numbers and important contacts.

• Build a “Go Kit.” Include items such as food, water, cash and medications, and have copies of important documents (personal identification like passports and birth certificates, medical records, insurance policies and financial documents) in a waterproof container.

• Learn how to cope with flooding and minimize flooding damage. Keep water out of, and away from, the house, by cleaning gutters regularly, directing downspouts away from the foundation, repairing cracks in the foundation, improving grading so water flows away from the house and covering window wells.

• If a home floods, follow cleaning and disinfection guidelines to avoid mold growth. If the power goes out for more than four hours, throw out refrigerated food or any food that came into contact with floodwater. If a drinking water well is flooded, disinfect the well and test the water to make sure it’s safe, before drinking it. If using a generator, keep it outside at least 20 feet from the home, to avoid illness or death from carbon monoxide, which can occur in enclosed spaces.

• Never drive or walk through flooded areas. Just six inches of fast-moving water can sweep adults off their feet, while just 12 inches can carry away a small car or 24 inches for larger vehicles.

• Stay out of floodwaters, which can contain bacteria from human and animal waste, sharp objects, hazardous chemicals, downed power lines and other dangerous items.

Type in an address at, to find out where flood zones are and for more information on flood safety, visit