VFW launches building campaign

Faced with climbing maintenance costs and the need for upgrades, members of Medford VFW Post No. 5729 have launched a fundraising drive to build a new facility.
Opened in 1950 the Medford VFW Post 5729 was founded by Medford’s World War 2, World War 1, and Spanish American War veterans.
For nearly 75 years, the post has served as a gathering place for all veterans, as well as a facility open to the public for wedding receptions, parties, and other social events.
The post members serve other veterans and the community by honoring fallen brothers and sisters on the Funeral Honors Team for veterans, placing flags on the graves of veterans every spring, conducting an annual clothing drive for needy veterans, awarding college scholarships to deserving high school students, operating a durable medical equipment loan closet open to all, and providing a color guard for area parades and community events like the rodeo, fair, patriotic holidays, and high school sporting events.
The community room has been used for many wedding receptions, anniversaries, parties, meetings, and other events.
Perhaps you have attended or been delivered a soup lunch prepared by the VFW Auxiliary or received a monetary donation from the VFW or VFW Auxiliary. The clubhouse is approaching its 75th anniversary, and while it has served the community well, it has become difficult to keep up with the maintenance and improvements that are re- See VFW on page 5 quired after decades of faithful service. A new clubhouse has become necessary, and as a non-profit veteran’s organization, they are soliciting funds to assist in this endeavor.
“Help us continue to serve the community and the veterans that we have served so faithfully for so long with a new clubhouse that will serve us all long into the future,” said Post Commander Bill Vach.
“We encourage ALL eligible veterans to join the VFW and family members to join the VFW Auxiliary, talk to any member or just stop at the post for information. We welcome feedback on how the new post can serve you and represent you long into the future. We encourage input from the community as well,” Vach said.
They are in the very early stages of planning and more information is to follow, but if individuals or groups are looking for an end of year charitable contribution that keeps your money local and gives back to an organization that has done much for your community, please consider making a donation to the “VFW Post 5729 New Building Fund” at any of the following institutions in Medford: Nicolet National Bank, AbbyBank, Forward Bank, Prevail Bank, or Royal Credit Union, or by contacting Post Commander Bill Vach at 715-560-1146. The post will also be starting a GoFundMe page for those who prefer to give that way.
Medford VFW Post 5729 is a non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible and donors are asked to be sure to leave their name and contact information so that they may properly thank them. Donations of $1,000 or more will be recognized in the new building.
“We would love to hear from you how the VFW has touched your life. You can write to us at VFW Post 5729, 240 S. 8th St, Medford, WI 54451,” Vach said.

For nearly 75 years, the current Medford VFW building has served as a gathering place for veterans and the community. Efforts are underway to raise the money needed to build a new VFW post to serve the community for years to come. BRIAN WILSON/THE STAR NEWS