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Dispatch Logs

Rib Lake Police Department

September 21- 8:13 a.m., 911 hang-up, 650 Pearl St.; 11:38 a.m., 911 hang-up, 650 Pearl St.

Gilman Police Department

September 21- 1:22 p.m., animal complaint, 655 S 8th Ave.; 1:24 p.m., request for officer, 485 Riverside Dr.; 1:24 p.m., fraud, 201 E Main St.; 1:25 p.m., disorderly, 120 E Main St.

September 22- 2:10 p.m., request for officer, 575 Palmer St.

Medford Police Department

September 18- 11:21 a.m., suspicious activity, 1147 S Eighth St.; 1:40 p.m., welfare check, Mink Capital Terrace, lot 15; 2:34 p.m., trespassing, 267 E Allman St.; 10:11 p.m., citizen assist, 335 N Central Ave.

September 19- 11:59 a.m., disorderly, 531 N Second St.; 12:41 p.m., child abuse, N Third St.; 2:49 p.m., information, 540 E College St.; 4:39 p.m., request for officer, 607 Centennial Pky.; 5:17 p.m., welfare check, 617 W Cedar St., Apt 18.

September 20- 3:06 a.m., suicide subject, Taylor County; 8:24 a.m., probation violation, 224 S Second St.; 11:31 a.m., citizen assist, 352 N Seventh St., Apt B; 3:23 p.m., found property, S Wisconsin Ave. and W Broadway Ave.; 5:40 p.m., animal bite, Mink Capital Terrace, lot 15; 5:57 p.m., request for officer, 509 Lemke Ave.; 9:35 p.m., suspicious activity, 420 E Lincoln St.

September 21- 8:13 a.m., citizen assist, W4164 Skinner Ln., Westboro; 8:59 a.m., welfare check, 1269 N Eighth St., #25; 11:33 a.m., citizen assist, 635 W Cedar St.; 12:06 p.m., accident, N Eighth St.; 3:17 p.m., juvenile problem, 1010 N Eighth St.; 3:49 p.m., gas drive off, 884 W Broadway Ave.; 4:46 p.m., commercial alarm, 152 Cedar St., Stetsonville; 6:33 p.m., welfare check, 509 Lemke Ave.; 9:43 p.m., transport, Aspirus ER to Taylor House; 11:01 p.m., suspicious activity, Jensen Dr. and Progressive Ave.

September 22- 2:19 p.m., traffic hazard, E Broadway Ave. and N Eighth St.; 5:05 a.m., traffic control, S Eighth St. and E Clark St.

September 23- 10:01 a.m., property damage, 178 S Main St.; 2:29 p.m., request for officer, 117 N Eighth St.; 2:54 p.m., traffic complaint, E Broadway Ave. and N Eighth St.; 3:46 p.m., accident, 135 S Gibson St.; 4:11 p.m., property damage, 1010 N Eighth St.; 5:25 p.m., property damage, 1010 N Eighth St.; 7:40 p.m., suicide subject, 509 Lemke Ave.

September 24- 12:01 a.m., property damage, 355 S Second St.; 10:10 a.m., commercial alarm, 160 Medford Plz.; 11:08 a.m., information, 509 Lemke Ave.; 11:18 a.m., welfare check, 346 E Urquhart St.; 11:48 a.m., citizen assist, 341 N Luepke Way; 1:14 p.m., lockout, 1037 W Broadway Ave.; 4:47 p.m., lockout, 751 Del Rea Ct.; 9:47 p.m., welfare check, 509 Lemke Ave.

Taylor County Sheriff’s Department

September 18- 12:10 a.m., welfare check, 1219 Landall Ave., Rib Lake; 12:28 a.m., warrant arrest, S Eighth St. and E Conrad Dr., Medford; 5:14 a.m., traffic arrest, Billings Ave. and W Allman St., Medford; 10:07 a.m., citizen assist, N8910 Elm St., Jump River; 2:10 p.m., request for officer, W9981 Salem Lake Road, Molitor; 3:31 a.m., probation violation, 224 S Second St., Medford; 5:43 a.m., project lifesaver, 814 Nova Ln., Medford; 6:04 p.m., citizen assist, 645 Maple Ct., 106, Rib Lake.

September 19- 5:27 a.m., accident, W13149 STH 64, Roosevelt; 5:30 a.m., transport, Taylor County to Marathon County; 7:23 a.m., accident, CTH A and Ricca Dr., Lublin; 9:08 a.m., welfare check, 326 S Lincoln St., Stetsonville; 11:44 a.m., fraud, N3319 Woodland Rd., Medford; 12:54 p.m., traffic hazard, STH 64 and CTH T, Maplehurst; 3:46 p.m., identity theft, 224 S Second St., Medford.

September 20- 2:13 a.m., N7964 Shady Dr., Westboro; 3:06 a.m., suicide subject, Taylor County; 7:47 a.m., traffic complaint, N4457 STH 13, Medford; 9:10 a.m., search warrant, 701 N Weber Ave, Apt A, Marshfield; 10:36 a.m., threats, N STH 13, Stetsonville; 10:43 a.m., commercial alarm, 540 College St., Medford; 12:44 p.m., probation violation, 224 S Second St., Medford; 2:28 p.m., transport, Taylor County to Marathon County; 2:28 p.m., abandoned vehicle, N1226 Taylor St., Lublin; 9:18 p.m., traffic arrest, STH 64 and STH 97, Goodrich.

September 21- 5:29 a.m., juvenile runaway, Medford; 8:13 a.m., citizen assist, W4164 Skinner Ln., Westboro; 11:57 a.m., drugs, 854 N Eighth St., Medford; 12:11 p.m., 911 hang-up, Riverside Terrace, lot 140, Medford; 12:23 p.m., animal at large, N8300 Blank Rd., Rib Lake; 1:17 p.m., animal at large, N2824 Daisy Ln., Medford; 2:55 p.m., citizen dispute, N2821 Vision Ln., Medford; 3:02 p.m., search warrant, Little Black; 3:14 p.m., accident, CTH M and Illman Dr., Greenwood; 3:39 p.m., child sex crime, Medford; 4:46 p.m., commercial alarm, 152 N Cedar St., Stetsonville; 5:05 p.m., commercial alarm, N3637 STH 13, Medford; 7:01 p.m., traffic complaint, Wellington Lake Dr. and STH 102, Rib Lake; 10:21 p.m., accident, N3392 River Dr., Medford.

September 22- 12:42 a.m., resident alarm, Taft; 5:22 a.m., accident, N1831 STH 13, Little Black; 7:01 a.m., accident, STH 13 and CTH A, Stetsonville; 10:08 a.m., transport, 843 W Broadway Ave., Medford; 12:38 p.m., citizen assist, 206 E CTH A, Stetsonville; 2:05 p.m., transport, Taylor County to Aspirus, Medford; 2:52 p.m., proba-



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tion violation, 224 S Second St., Medford; 4:31 p.m., OWI, STH 13, Medford; 7:36 p.m., shoot after hours, N2275 Pirus Rd., Maplehurst.

September 23- 2:26 a.m., zoning violation, W4282 Brehm Ave., Greenwood; 2:28 a.m., zoning violation,

N336 Larson Dr., Holway; 2:28 a.m., zoning violation,

W4857 Perkins St., Medford; 3:14 p.m., request for officer, W14383 Shiner Dr., Roosevelt; 6:32 p.m., underage drinking, E Allman St. and N Eighth St., Medford; 6:46 p.m., animal at large, CTH G and Badger Ln., Ford; 7:01 p.m., warrant arrest, E Allman St. and N Eighth St., Medford; 9:37 p.m., noise complaint, N6074 Settlement Dr., Chelsea; 10:04 p.m., accident, N3504 CTH Q, Medford.

September 24- 9:08 a.m., 911 hang-up, N8603 STH 73, Jump River; 9:25 a.m., animal at large, CTH S and STH

73, Roosevelt; 11:48 a.m., citizen assist, 341 N Luepke Way, Medford; 12:17 p.m., traffic complaint, STH 13 and Shortcut Ln., Chelsea; 12:31 p.m., abandoned vehicle, Blacken Ave. and CTH E Molitor; 3:57 p.m., domestic,

300 E Park Dr., Gilman.