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Make a social wellness checklist for your healthiest self

Make a social wellness checklist for your healthiest self Make a social wellness checklist for your healthiest self

People are social creatures by nature. From the time they’re born and all throughout their lives, people’s relationships help learn to navigate the world. By learning how to interact with others, express oneself and build community, these connections are fundamental to growth and development as children, but they remain essential to overall health and well-being throughout adulthood.

“Social connectedness impacts every part of our lives – how we think, how we feel emotionally and physically, and the choices that we make,” said Tracy Clay, nurse practitioner. “When we have stable support systems and feel like we truly belong, we tend to live longer, happier and healthier lives.”

Social connection can help prevent, and improve, serious illness and outcomes, such as heart disease, stroke, dementia, depression and anxiety. On the other hand, social disconnection puts the body at a higher risk for developing these conditions.

People with stronger social bonds have a 50 percent increased likelihood of survival than those socially lacking.

Creating and improving social connections can take time. There are no official guidelines or a one-size-fits-all strategy, but the following tips can help:

• Invest time in nurturing relationships. Make time regularly to visit with cherished friends or family, and be intentional about catching up on each other’s lives.

• Look for ways to get involved with others. Be open to trying something new or seek out spaces where people are sharing in an activity.

• Join a local community group, take a class, join a gym or volunteer. Regular social exchanges can help build meaningful relationships.

• Get active together. Being active with others in the community can have a positive effect on health habits and create opportunities to connect. Helping a community can create ways to encourage more physical activity.

• Find ways to be responsive, supportive and grateful to others. Send a card, offer to help a friend move, or surprise a loved one with a coffee or sweet treat. Lend a helping hand when able.

• Parents have an important job. Raising kids is rewarding and challenging. Being sensitive, responsive, consistent and available to kids, can help build positive, healthy relationships with them. The strong emotional bonds that result help children learn how to manage their own feelings and behaviors, and develop self-confidence. Children with strong connections to their caregivers are more likely to be able to cope with life’s challenges.

• Reduce practices that lead to feelings of disconnection from others, such as excessive social media use. Technology can trick the brain into thinking a person is more connected, when it’s actually contributing to increased levels of disconnection, social isolation and feelings of loneliness. Put down the phone for a while and make plans to connect with loved ones face to face, when possible.

• Talk with a healthcare provider about concerns like stress, loneliness and social isolation.

“Major stresses and life changes such as a new diagnosis, loss of a loved one, moving to a new city, divorce or retirement, can lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection,” said Clay. “Let your doctor know about what you’re experiencing, so they can understand the best way to help you.”