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Raider Academy students offer helping hands to Stepping Stones

Raider Academy students offer helping hands to Stepping Stones Raider Academy students offer helping hands to Stepping Stones

As many of you may already know, Stepping Stones is moving out of their previous location on Broadway to 151 S 2nd Street. As Stepping Stones has continued to provide their full spectrum of services throughout the relocation process, there has been an office-wide feeling that there is simply not enough time in a day. “Moving is overwhelming no matter what, but moving from a building that’s been home to a nonprofit for decades takes that to a new level. Making sure we’re still available to survivors and the community in the process is both challenging and absolutely essential,” stated Samantha Gehrke, Stepping Stones Community Coordinator.

Needless to say, when Raider Academy (formerly known as Medford Alternative High School) instructor, Cathy Venzke, reached out to Stepping Stones to offer Raider Academy’s assistance with the move, Stepping Stones was thrilled to accept. The students of Raider Academy dedicated three hours of their day, between the two sessions, to loading, unloading and organizing the donations our community has so generously provided to survivors in Taylor County. “I’m amazed at how much they got done in such a short amount of time, it made a huge difference for us. We are so grateful,” stated Courtney Scholl, Stepping Stones Co-Director.

Agency staff enjoyed interacting with Raider Academy staff and students. “I have to agree with Cathy that she has a wonderful group of kids. We may not have met our official move-in date without them,” stated Ms. Gehrke. The students themselves had a lot of positive things to say about the experience; “I was very glad that I could spend some time in my day helping Stepping Stones move, so that they can continue to help other people,” reported Marshall, Raider Academy student. Another volunteer, Breyden stated “I had a great time getting to meet everyone and help them move. It is awesome to have a place like Stepping Stones in our community.” Kiarra, offered “I’m glad I could help set up with you guys. I’m glad that you are doing what you are doing for those in need, and I’m happy I got to contribute a little bit of my time to help.” Surely, these sentiments are reciprocal.

Co-Directors, Shanna Kestler and Courtney Scholl have built an organizational culture centered around the power of community support and togetherness. There is a resounding belief that people feel like the best versions of themselves when they are helping others; surely a certain fulfillment is to be found in practicing altruism and humility. We all have something special to offer. As far as Stepping Stones is concerned, the students of Raider Academy modeled this philosophy, having made an invaluable contribution to the adults, children and families affected by sexual assault and domestic violence within our community.