Gilman to move to hire K-12 principal Gilman School board report
We are off to a Great start to 2023! Students returned to school ready to get right back to class.
Second Friday Pupil Count: While we have 3 less students in the building from the September count, we have seen an increase of 12 students at eSucceed.
We conducted our first two days of virtual learning on December 22 and 23, 2022. Students were provided access to Google Classroom lessons and activities, as well as physical learning packets from their teachers. Teachers will continue to maintain up to date learning packets and Google Classroom lessons so we are always prepared for implementing a virtual learning day. Teachers submitted logs detailing the work they completed during the two days. Teachers will be required to turn in work logs for every virtual learning day. Work logs included virtual instruction time, professional development in new curriculum, communication with students, developing virtual learning lessons, action plans to improve student learning opportunities, and assessment of action plans. Virtual learning days can be counted for minutes of instruction.
Vickie Noonan and Leipart attended the Leadership in Literacy training through CESA10. We have developed an action plan and provided support to all English Language Arts teachers within the District.
Leipart attended a meeting regarding our cooperative program with Medford and Rib Lake Schools for special education students that need transitional support to adulthood.
We are hosting the Cloverbelt All Conference Band and Choir Concert on Saturday, January 21, 2023. The concert will be at 6 pm.
Community Involvement Updates: Staff attended the countywide community services network meeting. Participated in the county schools CARES model meeting for supporting student support services and increasing services in our schools. Hosted the community economic analysis meeting to develop an action plan for increasing community engagement. Staff attended a meeting focused on the creation of a day treatment facility for students with social and emotional needs that cannot be provided within our building.
Building / Grounds Update: Phase 2 of the flooring project is complete. Phase 3 is anticipated to start this summer. Our new door entry system is scheduled to be installed before the end of February.
We have submitted our phase 2 grant proposal to the Fulcrum Foundation. We have submitted for a 2-5 year old playground to be added to our existing playground space. It is important to note that a review of our current playground has indicated that we will need to replace our current playground equipment within the next 3-5 years. We anticipate the cost of replacement to be approximately $200,000 in addition to the $100,000 grant proposal for the 2-5 year old playground. This cost is an industry average. The second Fulcrum Foundation grant proposal is for a K20 makerspace that will provide student experiences in industrial technology that align with our District goal of students being life, career, and college ready. The makerspace will be accessible for adult training opportunities after school hours.
Upcoming Events: January 18 -20: Wisconsin Association of School Boards State Convention, January 20 Collaboration Day: We will focus on our District Goal of developing a portrait of a graduate report card, preparing for the Cloverbelt All Conference Band and Choir Festival, 1st semester grades, and classroom time to prepare for 2nd semester (2023 District Goals). January 21: 6 p.m. Cloverbelt All Conference Band and Choir hosted by Gilman Schools Personnel report: Approved the hiring of Chanse Rosemeyer as the agriculture teacher and Kayln (Szymanski) Speicher as an elementary teacher.
Consideration of Dean of Students Roles and Administrative Configuration: The Board approved the recruitment for a 4K-12 Principal. The superintendent will be full time with additional responsibilities such as grant writing, Districtwide initiatives, and community relations. We will seek ways for the current deans to have leadership opportunities. The deans as well as any other qualified individual are welcome to apply for the 4K-12 Principal position.
Open enrollment cap for 2023-24: The following space limitations for open enrollment applicants for the 202324 school year Regular Education: No limit Special Education: The number of spaces for new open enrollment students will be limited to a maximum number of total students (including resident students) as follows: Cross Categorical Special Education FTE = Full Time Equivalent Teacher Early Childhood (0.2 FTE) limit to 3 students (Based on 14 students per FTE average) 4K through 4th Grade (0.8 FTE) limit to 11 students (Based on a 14 students per FTE average) 5th-8th Grade (1 FTE) limit to 14 students (Based on 14 students per FTE average) 9th through 12th Grades (1 FTE) limit to 14 students (Based on 14 students per FTE average) Itinerant/Related Services: Speech and Language Services (0.8 FTE) limit to 32 Students (Based on a 40 student per FTE average) The Board approved the FFA trip to the World’s Toughest Rodeo The Board was informed of the timeline for the eSucceed Virtual School Charter Contract - Renewal May 2023 Discussed the High School Commercial Drivers License CDL course: The Board approved paying for the course fee with students being responsible for driving fees as the driving school is not accredited at the college level. If the course is taken through the technical college the course and driving fees would be paid by the District just like any other college course is paid.
No action taken after the executive session.