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Medford Patriot Pen Essay winner My Pledge to Our Veterans

My pledge to our veterans is to return the favor. The veterans have done unimaginable things for us and our country, but what have we done for them? They are the reason our country is free. The veterans served us and have all made sacrifices, in order to keep the country strong, free, respected, and valued. It’s our turn to help them and give them the recognition they deserve.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Every morning when I say those words I feel as if I’m standing for our country and what the veterans have done for us, giving them recognition. Our national anthem, the Star Spangled Banner, gets played all the time at sporting events. Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight. We stand, hear those words, and we feel proud. It makes us recognize how strong the veterans are.

The veterans are the reason why our country is free, so let’s return the favor by making their meals free. We can step up and take care of a veteran by paying for their meal. Another way that we can give back, and show recognition for our veterans is by stopping by a veteran memorial. At the memorial, we can set up flags and place flowers by the monuments. If you’re ever shopping and you see a poppy, buy one. Those poppies support the veterans in so many different ways. One way is by financially supporting the National Veterans Rehabilitation and other service programs. The most simple way to show gratitude for veterans is saying thank you, trust me they will appreciate it. In conclusion, I think that we should all return the favor to our outstanding veterans. I think this because the veterans have sacrificed everything for us to have a free country. The next time we say the pledge, or listen to the national anthem, think about the words. Ask yourself what it means to you, me, and the veterans. We can easily return the favor by saying thank you to a veteran. I pledge to return the favor to our veterans. — Maddie Clark Maddie Clark was the Patriot Pen essay contest winner at the local level