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Does time really heal all wounds?

Does time really heal all wounds? Does time really heal all wounds?

Identifying serious wounds and knowing when to seek medical attention

Often when people get a cut or a scrape, they don’t think too much about it. Proper care can ensure most wounds, such as minor cuts and scrapes, heal within a few days and can be handled at home. However, more serious wounds may require a trip to your primary care physician who will refer you to a wound specialist.

Wounds are injuries that break the skin or other body tissue and often happen because of an accident such as burns and skin injuries from falls or the result of surgery, and stitches. Wounds/skin breakdown can occur due to the body’s inability to return blood and fluid from the lower legs.

Appropriate wound care and treatment are important to avoid serious complications. A wound can turn into serious infections such as cellulitis or sepsis without proper care.

“Skin is a protective barrier against bacteria and other foreign invaders. While it is open, bacteria can enter and multiply, causing an infection,” says Brenda Adamec, RN a Wound Care Certified Nurse at Aspirus Merrill Hospital.

When it comes to serious wounds, the CDC recommends a person seek medical attention as soon as possible if:

• There is a foreign object (soil, wood, metal, or other objects) embedded in the wound.

• A wound is a result of an animal bite.

• A wound is a result of a puncture by a dirty object.

• The wound is infected (pain and soreness, swelling, redness, drainage, or you develop a fever).

• You have signs of sepsis such as confusion or disorientation; shortness of breath, high heart rate, fever or shivering; The Star News

extreme pain or discomfort, or clammy or sweaty skin.

Wound care involves every stage of wound management. This includes identifying the wound type, considering factors that affect wound healing, and the proper treatments for wound management. Once the wound type is identified and all factors are considered, the treatment facility can determine the best treatment options.

Aspirus offers specialized wound care services that can promote healing and prevent infection and re-occurrence. Depending on the type of wound and where it is located, different treatments or techniques may be used to help the body heal such as plans for lifetime compression therapy, complete wound assessment, and education and care management by a certified wound specialist.

You will be cared for by Certified Wound Care Registered Nurses that are credentialed by The National Alliance of Wound Care. Your Certified Wound Registered Nurse will collaborate with your primary care physician to provide you with the best possible care.