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Local extension agent recognized with state award

The Wisconsin Association of County Agricultural Agents (WACAA) recently recognized several members during their annual awards and recognition program. An affiliate of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA), WACAA is a professional organization for county, area, and state Extension professionals to encourage excellence and professionalism in their work; improve effectiveness of Wisconsin Extension programs; provide assistance for agents to seek and participate in professional improvement opportunities and recognize and promote superior achievement.

Those agriculture agents receiving top communication awards included: Katie Wantoch, Dunn County, Computer Generated Presentation with Script and for her Publication; Aerica Bjurstrom, Regional Dairy Educator Kewaunee, Brown and Door Counties, for her Factsheet, Educational Video, and Website/Online Content; Tina Kohlman, Regional Dairy and Livestock Educator in Fond du Lac, Ozaukee, Sheboygan and Washington Counties, Personal Column, Feature Story and Event Promotional Package; Jerry Clark, Chippewa County, Audio Recording; Heather Schlesser, Marathon County, and Sandy Stuttgen, Taylor County, Learning Module; and Kaitlyn Davis, LaCrosse County, for her Newsletter.

Receiving the Search for Excellence Award was the team of Kaitlyn Davis, Ken Schroeder, Carl Duley, Bill Halfman, and Jerry Clark for their programming in Crop Production. Kaitlyn Davis, LaCrosse County, received the early career recognition, the Achievement Award. Aerica Bjurstom, Kewaunee, Brown and Door Counties received the Distinguished Service Award and Kevin Schoessow, Burnett, Sawyer and Washburn Counties was recognized for 25 years of distinguished service.

Jenny Vanderlin Associate Director of the UW-Madison Center for Dairy Profitability received the Second Mile Award for her outstanding support of Wisconsin County Agricultural Agents. Jenny has supported many farm and risk management programs including the long-running Heart of the Farm series. In addition, WACAA honored Ray Melander, Beef Production Specialist, River Country Cooperative with the Friend of the County Agent award for his exceptional support of time and equipment to Wisconsin County Agents and beef related programs.

The WACAA annual awards are sponsored by Hoard’s Dairyman; WI Agriculturist; the WI Broadcasters Association and A & T Industries.