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Take speed survey to boost efforts to improve broadband speeds

Taking a simple internet speed test will identify areas of need.

Access to broadband is vital for the economic health and growth of Wisconsin. Yet many homes and businesses have no broadband access or internet service speeds that fall below FCC standards.

State and federal grants are available to bring broadband to underserved areas around the state, but in order to tap into those grants the state must identify those areas of greatest need.

To help ensure broadband access, Northwest Regional Planning Commission (NWRPC) and Visions Northwest Regional Economic Development Organization are working with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) and partners statewide to roll out a simple internet speed test. We are asking residents and businesses to take the test to help establish where support is needed.

“We are fortunate to have access to a new crowdsourced mapping tool that will benefit local broadband efforts by allowing them to analyze real-time data,” said Crystal Rohde, Business Development Specialist at NWRPC. “Through this effort, we can collect information to help identify gaps and match resources for improved access to broadband in the region.”

“Access to broadband will help Wisconsin attract companies and workers, and broadband is critical for those working or doing schoolwork from home or trying to access services online,” said Missy Hughes, WEDC Secretary and CEO. “But we can’t do this without the help of Wisconsinites statewide. We need as many of us as possible to take a very easy internet speed test.”

The test will help determine where internet speeds are below FCC standards and where the state needs to focus on building the broadband infrastructure.

To take the test, residents and businesses simply need to visit https://www., from their home or work location, by May 8, 2022. It will only take a few moments and personal information is always protected and never shared.

Even those residents without internet access can help by logging onto the site from a friend’s home or the local library. Click on “Enter an address with No Available Service” to complete the survey.