Tensions rise over job description for shared county employee
Tensions flared at Friday’s meeting of the Taylor County Forestry and Recreation committee over the job description for the shared receptionist position between the forestry and zoning offices.
County board member and zoning committee chairman Lester Lewis asked forest administrator Jake Walcisak if he had performed a six-month review on the employee.
Walcisak said “No there has not been a 6-month review done on her because being that I am no longer in a supervisory position, I didn’t think it was my place to ask for one.”
“You’re evading the point, why didn’t you say you needed a six month review? You were invited to attend the Personnel meeting, why didn’t you come to that and discuss this?” Lewis responded “[Chuck] Zenner told me not to attend the meeting. I’m not sure if I wasn’t able to attend or if it wasn’t necessary for me to attend, but I will look back and issue that information to you, if you’d like. Currently we have requested that Karyn complete an hour and a half of work, toward the zoning department,” Walcisak said.
“You seem to be making a claim saying that we are taking something away from you and we’re not trying to take anything away from you,” Lewis said.
Committee member Mike Bub interjected saying “Clearly there is a disagreement about how we got here and I highly doubt that we are going to solve any of that here, and it seems to me that changing the name from Forestry to Zoning, I could care less.”
Lewis interrupted Bub saying “She is a full-time Zoning employee, that’s what we voted on.”
Bub said “Okay, can’t he [Jake] write down and you guys work together and say, this is what she is going to do for Forestry, this is what she is going to do for Zoning?”
“I’m totally fine with that,” Walcisak answered.
“Okay, people can sit here and bicker all you want here, what do we do today and tomorrow? So if Forestry feels like they are not getting what they thought they agreed to, in your minds there is something wrong, you’re [Kyle] now responsible for her position, you should have an understanding of the expectations. It seems to me instead of everyone saying I think I said this or I think I said that, why don’t we just say okay she is going to take minutes at meetings, she is going to close all Forestry sales, she’s gonna do this, she is gonna do that. Any other requests should be submitted to you, and we just move forward,” Bub said.
Lewis agreed with Bub saying “I have no problem with that Mike.”
“Let’s just move forward,” Bub said. Lewis voiced his concern saying “My problem is that the statements that were said stating that this was taken away from Forestry, that’s the way Jake is referring to it, yet when asked, like I just did, what was refused when it was asked, well we didn’t request anything cause she was busy. No that’s just bogus.”
Walcisak interjected Lewis’ statement saying “Mr. Lewis, please don’t speak for me.”
Lewis responded, “That’s what you said, and I’m saying to you that that is bogus. I’m entitled to my opinion whether you like it or not.”
“You’re right, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I’m just saying, what’s the best path forward, let’s not make this really complicated,” Bub said.
“My request is much simpler than what this discussion has become,” Walcisak said.
“Correct, I understand that,” Bub said “We are not requesting more, we are not saying that we want more. Jordan and I, and to make the committee aware, have reserved six hours per week, and that’s what we have been doing, I’m not saying that’s bad, I’m not saying that Karyn should be doing that six hours per week if there is nothing for her to do. We are not committing for that six hours if there is no room. While there are these changes, I would like to see is that the six month review, which we agreed to when it happened, that we discuss the tracking and billing, and that Forestry maintains that what to my understanding is a shared position, and the departments that served were Zoning and Forestry and the immediate supervisor is clearly Zoning. I’m not asking for more hours,” Walcisak said.
“And I get that, I’m not saying that, I’m saying if this job description says Zoning or Forestry, or it just says Zoning, it doesn’t make a difference. As long as there is an agreement that states what her job is, as long as the County’s work gets done, that’s the important thing,” Bub said.
“What changes are you requesting to the Forestry Committee to approve in the job description?” Lewis asked Walcisak.
Walcisak said “Well the most obvious one is to eliminate the ‘Shared full-time of Zoning and Forestry departments, and just have them serve the Zoning department. Making the Zoning Administrator the Immediate Supervisor. This is to show you what Karyn is accomplishing within that hour and a half per week. This is to show you what is being done in that position now with less hours. I am not currently recommending that we strike those items and move forward with the items under the Forestry department. That is simply my way to illustrate what was being accomplished in the previous position with more hours and what is being accomplished currently.”
Lewis asked “So you’re okay with how Zoning presented it? Except that you would like Forestry’s name to be on there someplace and that’s not necessary, other than what is under duties under Forestry and joint?”
“I am asking for the Committee to agree to remove Forestry from the job description, that is all,” Walcisak said A motion was made and approved to refer the job description to the personnel committee.
The Taylor County Zoning and Forestry Department is going to hire a summer intern to help with their workload.
Currently the Zoning and Forestry Department has a Medford Area High School (MASH) student doing a work study program through the department. The student’s name is Quinton Tlusty, and he will be hired on a limited term employment (LTE) basis. The opportunity for the department is to invest in a local student who is pursuing a career in natural resources.
This employment will be a one-time deal because this is the first time doing a grant like this, plus it is also competitive. To fund this position, there is a grant application that is due April 15. Golden Sands RC& D (Resource Conservation & Development) has asked the Forestry Department to partner with them to apply for a Federal LSRI grant. If the grant is successful, this individual will be employed and paid by Golden Sands while contracted to work for the county. However, in case the grant does not go through, there is excess revenue in the 2021 budget and the department can utilize those carry-over funds to fund this position, if the grant application is not successful.
This request was approved to be brought to the Personnel Committee.
Jake Walcisak said “Quinton would be a good fit because he has an interest in the work we do, and he takes initiative.”
In other business: The Department has received confirmation from Wisconsin DNR that the approvable dam plans met the ranking requirement criteria. So the department will be getting 20 points for both Chelsea and Camp 8 dams. Grant money has still not been awarded.