Wise Tips of Life

Good evening President Fleegel, Superintendent Sullivan, Principal Lybert, Assistant Principal Guden, faculty, family, friends and classmates of 2021, Well, what can I say? We all graduated; it’s over; we did it. I know most of you are saying any idiot could do that. Well, it was tough for me so BACK OFF. (Billy Madison) We have shared a lot of memories these past 13 years of school. As we begin to reminisce, there are some things we love to remember and some we definitely would love to forget. I remember the first football game, the first day of classes, my first girlfriend, my second girlfriend... my third girlfriend. And then I finally realized that I was the problem.
Our class has accomplished a lot during our four short years of high school. We have won many GNC conference championships, made a run at state in soccer, sent students to state competitions in individual sports, and claimed 2 homecoming spirit cups. I’m really sorry about the last one.
I am here today as your class president to share some wisdom that I have learned in my 18 years of life.
Tip number 1 - Never compare yourself to others, be the person you want to be. There will always be someone better looking, somebody who makes more money than you, and somebody who has a hotter wife. His name is Emett Grunwald.
Tip number 2- Be patient. (long Pause) ( look at watch) Good things come to those who wait.
Tip number 3- Go Pack Go! Enough said.
Tip number 4- Friends are very important. Throughout these four years of high school, my friends have always been there for me, and I know they have my back. It’s good to have people support you through the good and bad times.
Tip number 5- Never forget where you came from. I’ve heard a lot of you say that you want to leave Medford and never come back. I want you to remember, it’s not the location you are in that makes a place bad - it’s the people you are with that give the location significance. Tip number 6- The path to success is going to be long and difficult so be prepared to give it your all and never give up, unless it is really hard, then it’s OK to give up.
( Pause ) No, I’m just kidding! Never ever quit.
Tip number 7- We can learn many many things from our elders. Listen to them, but please don’t drive like them.
Tip number 8- Strive to be successful. Success has a different meaning for everyone. Many people think the key to success is making a lot of money. Money can buy cars, houses, boats, vacations, expensive clothes, and many other things, but it cannot buy love, friends, family, or time. All of these things should be held above money.
Tip number 9- As George Strait said, “I ain’t here for a long time, I’m here for a good time.” Remember to always have fun and love what you are doing in life.
Tip number 10- And finally, as we all move to the next stage in our lives, we will meet new people, experience new things, and tackle many obstacles. Stay true to yourself and your own path will reveal itself. Have the courage to follow your heart. Everything else is secondary.
Good luck Class of 2021. It has been an honor to be your class president.
( Wait till audience is done) I will be staying around Medford and working for my dad as a plumber so If you have any plumbing or heating problems please call Grunwald Plumbing and
Heating at 715-965-8013.
— Emett Grunwald

Emett Grunwald