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83rd meeting of JREC membership set

83rd meeting of JREC membership set 83rd meeting of JREC membership set

Jump River Electric Cooperative (JREC) will be holding its 83rd Annual Meeting of its Membership on April 24. This will be a condensed in-person meeting held in the auditorium of the Ladysmith High School. To ensure everyone’s safety, CDC guidelines are being followed. Registration for the meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. with the business meeting starting at 10 a.m.

Attendees will receive a $10 energy credit (one per membership) and other door prizes, as well as the chance to win one of seven $100 energy credits and a grand prize of one $500 energy credit. The meeting will include reports from the Board President and the General Manager/CEO.

General Manager/CEO James Anderson of JREC states, “Member participation is what makes your cooperative work for you. Please make sure that you take an active part in voting.”

Members are being asked to vote for the election of three director seats, Proposed Bylaw Amendments, and on a Proposed Advisory Resolution. Voting can be done one of three ways. Prior to the annual meeting, members can cast an absentee mail-in ballot or an electronic ballot. Members attending the annual meeting, and who have not already voted, can cast a meeting-day ballot prior to the start of the business meeting on April 24. Please call the cooperative at 715-532-5524 if you have a question on balloting options.

Attendance will be limited to 70 people to keep within the building use guidelines set by CDC. Masks will be required. This meeting will be livestreamed at www. for members not able to attend.