– Courier-Sentinel Lookback –
– Courier-Sentinel Lookback –
10 Years Ago – 2010
Cornell’s water is now 30 times higher than the maximum EPA standard, which means an upgrade of the water treatment plant is in order. A project is underway to develop a system with filtration equipment, to the tune of $1.2 million.
20 Years Ago – 2000
Dan Mossner, district representative for the Aid Association for Lutherans (AAL), opens an office on Cadott’s Main Street. AAL is a fraternal benefit society, dedicated to insurance, education and volunteer opportunities.
30 Years Ago – 1990
After graduating from Lake Holcombe in 1982, Lori Troupe Lanzer comes home to act as manager at Monycor Bank in Cornell. Lanzer’s parents live in Holcombe, and her husband, Edward, teaches social studies at the school.
40 Years Ago – 1980
Baking his way to a blue ribbon, Dan Schmitt, owner of the Cadott Bakery, took competition by storm at the Wisconsin State Bakers Convention. Schmitt’s entry in the cookie exhibit, was one of 312.
50 Years Ago – 1970
St. John’s Lutheran Church in Cornell, dedicates its electronic bell system, donated by the Edwin Braden family, in memoriam of a loved one. The system will now function under clock control, without further attention.
60 Years Ago – 1960
A herd of Hereford calves escape, after Larry Ryan, driver for Falkenberg Transfer in Cadott, braked too hard when traveling and the cattle van he was driving tipped over. Volunteers were quickly summoned in a modern-day cattle drive, where all but two of the herd were corralled and delivered to rightful owner Karl Dietrich.
100 Years Ago – 1920
There is talk of forming a baseball league of the various area clubs. However, that would mean an increase in wages for players, something that must be considered before a final decision is made.