Lions recognized for community volunteerism

By Julia Wolf
The Cadott Lions Club gathered to thank those who have made a significant impact on the club and hear updates on the entire Lions International organization, during a governor’s banquet Oct. 10.
The night opened with performances by members of the Cadott High School treble choir, then District Gov. Delores LaFaive discussed her goals for clubs across her area.
“My theme this year for Lions is, ‘We serve,’” said La-Faive, explaining she wants to get back to the basics of what the Lions club does.
She encouraged members to work together to form great Lions clubs and to think outside the box.
“Do you listen to all of your new members?” asked La-Faive. “Maybe a change on a project might be OK.”
She says the phrase “Well, we’ve done it this way all the time,” is one of the worst phrases you can hear in any club.
Thinking outside the box could also include thinking of new ways to give back. LaFaive said she recently visited the Hayward club, and they were gifting farm animals to those in need overseas through another organization.
LaFaive said another goal is giving time and money where needed. She said that could mean any number of places, including state camp, international or the community. LaFaive put special focus on giving to the community, since the community supports the Lions at events.
She also set a goal to do positive things for the environment.
“We have to plant more trees,” said LaFaive, noting especially in areas where storms have taken out large numbers of trees.
LaFaive encouraged members to keep track of how many trees they plant, whether it is done as a club or individually, and turn in the number to the district environmen- tal chair.
“And the most important thing right now, is we have no first and second vice district governor,” said LaFaive. “We have to try to get more leadership, people to step up.”
Finally, LaFaive encouraged members to promote the Lions club. Worldwide, the club has over 1.4 million members in over 46,000 clubs.
“You were the 119th club to start,” said LaFaive. “So, if you figure there’s 46,000 cubs, you were the 119th, that’s awfully good. That’s the early Lions, very proud of that.”
LaFaive also gave updates from the state level of the organization. She said 1,190 people attended the Wisconsin Lions Camp last summer. LaFaive said the camp had some storm damage and the camp may need to replace a bridge.
LaFaive also said there are items, like door hangers and water bottle labels, the club can request to spread diabetes awareness during Diabetes Awareness Month in November. She also said the club can request children’s books for local libraries to explain diabetes to youth. LaFaive said one is geared at younger children.
“There’s another one now, it’s a little bit thicker book, it’s for older kids about diabetes,” said LaFaive. “That is a very nice looking book, too.”
Following the speech from LaFaive, Cadott recognized members of its group who have made a special impact over the past year.
The Line of Sight Fellowship Award was presented to Gary Rykal.
“He’s also there to answer the phone...if somebody is calling to schedule the screener,” said Donna Rykal, Lion.
Next, Lion Doreen Mrotek presented the Birch-Sturm Fellowship, which is awarded to people who have exemplifi ed dedication and commitment to lionism.
Kris Geissler was recognized with that award, for her efforts with the Can Do Canine program, where inmates are paired with future assistance dogs. Geissler also arranged tours of the Stanley prison for the Lions club to see the program in action.
LaFaive presented the Melvin Jones Fellowship to Brian Dulmes. Dulmes was recognized for his leadership within the club and for his work with collecting plastic.
“He likes to help out with everything and anywhere that he can,” said LaFaive, describing Dulmes as an expert at building ramps and the general “fix-it man.”
Lastly, the club recognized Harold Moldrem, for 50 years in the club, with a certificate of excellence.
“He has lots of history that he has to share with the club,” said Barb Dulmes, award presenter.
District Gov. Delores LaFaive spoke to the Cadott Lions Club during a governor’s night banquet, Oct. 10. LaFaive shared her goals for clubs in the district and encouraged the members to think of new ways to give back.
Photo by Julia Wolf
Kris Geissler was recognized for her dedication to the Lions with the Birch-Sturm Fellowship. Geissler was described as “fond” of the Can Do Canines program implemented at the Stanley Correctional Institution, and for arranging tours of the facility for the Lions.
Photo by Julia Wolf
Brian Dulmes was awarded the Melvin Jones Fellowship. Dulmes received the award for his work building ramps, helping wherever needed and collecting plastic.
Photo by Julia Wolf
The Cadott Lions Club presented a certifi cate of excellence to Harold Moldrum, to recognize his 50 years of membership in the club.
Photo by Julia Wolf