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UW-Madison gave diplomas to four Marathon studednts in an online commencement ceremony held May 9.
The sudents included Tori Blume, School of Pharmacy, doctor of pharmacy; Ashley Denfeld, School of Business, bachelor of business administration with distinction; Noah Dirks, School of Business, bachelor of business administration; Courtney Ford, School of Human Ecology, bachelor of science with distinction in human development and family studies; Gunnar Fredrickson, School of Business, bachelor of business administration with distiction in actuarial science, finance, investment and banking, risk management and insurance; Steven Studinski, School of Pharmacy, doctor of pharmacy.
School re-opening
Marathon School District will start fall classes on Tuesday, Sept. 1.
Students who attend inperson classes will meet four days a week on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. They will be required to wear masks, except during recess and to eat lunch. Students with temperatures over 100 degrees are encouraged to stay home for 24 hours or until the fever breaks without medications. Students in school will be subject to random temperature readings.
Distance learning will be available for students in grades 5K through 12 who will participate in classes in real-time through an internet connection. Students in 4K will be able to participate in virtual education through an adjusted schedule and some elective options will not be available to students in grades 5K-12. Virtual education students will be expected to attend class like other students and will be graded the same as in-person students.
Parents will be able to sign up for half school year options. The school reopening plan will be adjusted depending on the COVID-19 risk level in Marathon County.
To make possible a four-day school week, students will be kept in segregated clusters or cohorts. Students in grades 5-12 will be required to wear masks, including during bus travel. Younger students in grades 4K-4th grade do not have to wear masks if they remain in their cohort. Students will be given mask breaks during the school day. During bus travel, students will sit one to a seat, although siblings will be allowed to sit together. Buses will be deep cleaned each night.
During lunch, students will be physically distanced as much as possible.
If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID- 19, the Marathon County Health Department will conduct contract tracing for all students and staff who were in contact with the student. Students who test positive for COVID-19 will be required to transition to distance learning until they are safe to return to school.
For more information, send e-mail questions to Marathon School District at reentry@ or phone 715-443-2226, ext. 4107.
Hillary and Doug Nichols, Cornell, announce the birth of a daughter, Ryleigh.
Baby Ryleigh was born Aug. 6, 2020, at Aspirus Medford Hospital. She weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 22 inches long.
She is welcomed home by siblings Rochelle, 21, Bryce, 19, and Xander, 2.
Grandparents are Scott Nichols, Gilman; Janice Kraemer, Medford; Lesha Archibald, Olive Branch, Miss.; and Brad Meverden, Detroit Lakes, Minn. Great-grandparents are Clarence and Darlene Nichols, Gilman.
Colossal fossils
Children in grades K-5 can register for a virtual 16-week course entitled “Colossal Fossils” on dinosaurs, fossils and mammoths that will be offered in partnership with the Marathon County Public Library. The first class in the course will be given on a Zoom internet platform starting Tuesday, Sept. 8, 4-5 p.m.
Fill a backpack
The Marathon School District “Fill a Backpack Fill a Belly” program will continue through the beginning of school because of donations that have been provided. Food bags are available at the front entries of Marathon High School and Marathon Area Elementary School/Marathon Venture Academy for district families.