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Steinbachs named Honored Grandparents

Steinbachs named  Honored Grandparents Steinbachs named  Honored Grandparents

By Cheyenne Thomas When her grandchildren come to visit, Cheryl Steinbach knows exactly what they will do. They will run up to the door and ring the doorbell several times in quick succession before coming in with smiles on their faces, asking for snacks. She and her husband Tim are more than happy to oblige. Because for them, every moment with their grandchildren is precious.

Tim and Cheryl Steinbach were chosen as this year’s Honored Grandparents by the Granton FFA Alumni. The couple will be honored on Grandparents Day, Sept. 8, during the Granton Fall Festival grand parade, riding along with their children and grandchildren they love so much.

The Steinbachs were nominated for the honor in a letter written by their four grandchildren: Kaynen, 12; Kroix, 10; Kate, 6; and Lexi, 4.

“Grandpa Timmy and Grandma Cheryl are amazing grandparents and role models for each of their four grandchildren,” the nomination letter reads. “They are always eager to spend as much time with their grandchildren as possible, even if they know the visit may be a short one. Their home is always open for visits, and they are always willing to take a trip to their grandchildren’s house even at a moment’s notice. They come to as many of the children’s events as they possibly can, which occasionally includes long car trips for a short-term get-together.”

Tim and Cheryl are both Granton High School graduates, with Tim graduating in 1979 and Cheryl graduating in 1982. Although a few years apart, the two of them

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Cheryl and Tim Steinbach Steinbachs,

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grew up as childhood friends.

“We’ve known each other ever since we were children,” said Cheryl. “My parents were his godparents. We would hang out together all the time.”

While they knew each other for years, Cheryl and Tim said that they didn’t start dating until Cheryl went off to college at UW-River Falls. But it was a very meaningful relationship to both of them, as Cheryl studied hard to get her four years of coursework done in just three so they could get married.

“It was a three year long distance relationship,” said Cheryl.

They were married on June 8, 1985, and shortly after moved to Thorp so Cheryl could teach agriculture classes in Gilman. The family then moved to Stanley where their first son, Matt, was born. Two years after getting the teaching job in Gilman, Cheryl was hired as an agriculture teacher for the Granton Area School District and the family quickly returned to Granton where their second son, David, was eventually born.

Both of their sons attended school at the Granton Area School District, where they both graduated. Matt currently lives in Rhinelander with his wife Tera and their two sons, Kaynan and Kroix, while David lives in Granton with his wife Emily and their two daughters, Kate and Lexi.

Matt and David said they communicated with each other and their grandchildren to craft the nomination letter. They both asked their children questions about their favorite activities and memories of things they have done over the years with their grandparents. After sending in the letter this year, they said they were contacted near the beginning of August to inform them that Tim and Cheryl were nominated. They decided to break the news to them that same day.

“We found out one day when our grandkids walked through the door holding pieces of paper that said, ‘Congrats Grandma and Grandpa on being selected for 2024 Honored Grandparents,’” said Cheryl. “We were very humbled. It brought tears to our eyes.”

The grandchildren said there are many things they do with their grandparents that they enjoy. Kate said she enjoys getting snacks and new dresses from her grandparents. She also enjoys singing “You are My Sunshine” with her grandma and reading “Peter Pan.” Lexi said she enjoys watching television and playing games in the living room with her grandparents, and also enjoys singing the ABCs with them and reading dinosaur books.

Tim and Cheryl’s grandsons also had their favorite activities. Kaynen said he enjoyed playing outside games with Grandpa and going hunting with him. Kroix said he enjoyed making Christmas cookies with his grandparents, going on trips to see the Christmas lights in Marshfield every year and the dinners Grandma makes when the family is out hunting during the gun deer season.

There are many other things the grandchildren enjoy as well. All of them said they enjoy eating the homemade macaroni and cheese that Cheryl makes and the malts that Tim makes. They also enjoy seeing their grandparents come out to visit and watch them participate in various activities, from sports to concerts.

While the children have their memories, Tim and Cheryl have their own memories as well. Making sure to spend as much time with their grandkids as they can, the couple has gotten to know each of their grandchildren very well and have continued to change the activities they do with the kids as they have gotten older.

“I would say being grandparents brings us some of our greatest joys,” said Cheryl. “We raised two young men that we’re so proud of who are now raising families of their own. And we have fond memories with them. They bring us a lot of joy. They got Grandpa wrapped around their finger, but it’s a lot of fun.'

Cheryl and Tim said something they have always tried to keep in mind with their growing grandchildren is how fast the time goes by. Children are only young for a short time, so it is important to not only be present at as many events as they can, but also to try to do activities with them all to create those special memories and teach them to have fun.

“We realize life is very short,” said Cheryl. “They’re only kids for a little while, so we want them to be able to do things that allow them to be kids.”

While time can be short, Cheryl said that every moment that she and her husband have been able to share with their grandchildren has been special, and every day is another opportunity to see them grow as their own individuals.

“We just love being able to enjoy the kids,” she said. “Every moment is special. We feel very proud of them and what they have been able to do.”