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Community Foundation awards almost $70,000

The Community Foundation of Chippewa County has announced that Community Needs Grant funds from the competitive grant process, were awarded to area non-profit organizations for their projects that will positively impact Chippewa County.

Community Needs Grants are made possible from a growing number of unrestricted and field of interest endowment funds. The foundation received 58 project applications and 42 of those were awarded grants.

Of those 42 projects, the foundation was able to fully fund 24 projects, at their requested project amount. Community Needs Grants ranging in size from $200 to $6,000, were awarded this year, in the amount of $69,924.

Grants will support projects in the areas of arts and culture, community development, education, environment and animal welfare, and health and human services The foundation professionally manages over $20 million in assets and is the steward of over 250 funds, created by individuals, families, organizations and businesses for charitable investment in the surrounding communities.

Annually, grants and disbursements are based on a portion of investment earnings from endowment funds and other gifts received. In addition to the awards from the Community Needs grant process, the foundation disburses grants from designated, donor advised and agency funds, as well as special project and scholarship pass-through funds.

Since inception in 2001, the foundation has granted over $11 million.

As part of that, 18 projects within 11 Chippewa County schools received funding from the Northwestern Bank School Mini-grant Program this year. Since 2004, Northwestern Bank has provided funding for mini-grants to be awarded to third through eighth-grade educators in Chippewa County.

To see a full list of organizations and projects serving Chippewa County that received funding, visit yourlegacyforever. org.