From past files of The Star News
November 26, 2009
The Medford School Board received a state of swimming pool report Thursday night at its regular meeting and it now must decide how future pool resources will best be used. The report was prepared by Water Technology Inc. of Beaver Dam. Dean Mueller, a senior design manager with the company, did the inspection on October 19 and was at the board meeting to present the study.
The biggest concerns with the pool rest in the original design of the 40-year-old facility. Cast iron pipes, the standard of the day, are built into the walls of the pool, making repair or replacement a problem. The possible failure of the pipes would also cause a concern. “The weakest link for the pool right now is the cast iron pipes,” Mueller said.
November 30, 1994
The Medford Area School Board is taking another look at all-day kindergarten, and is expected to make a decision next month on what type of program they want.
Kindergartners have traditionally attended half-days of school in Medford.
Two years ago, the school board looked at ways to increase state aid un- der the revenue cap, and administration developed a plan to increase the pupil count (which state aid is based on) by having some kindergartners go to school all day. At that time, they added one fullday class to help students who scored low on screening tests.
This year, when two more classrooms became available, the school board approved three full-day classes.
November 27, 1969
The Medford city council at its budget hearing Tuesday night approved a budget of $1,031,484.98 for 1970, going over the million mark for the first time.
In order to meet anticipated expenses, the council set a tax levy against city property in the amount of $756,378.23. Of that amount only $89,028.66 will be used to meet the city own spending.
The increase in the budget figures at $141,539 and the hike in the actual levy, after anticipated receipts, amounts to $102,911.
A rate of $6.32 per hundred dollars of assessed valuation was set, the rate increasing over last year’s rate by 37 cents per hundred.
November 23, 1944
Mrs. Clifford Meyer and her son Gary were both taken to the Medford hospital after the car in which they were riding, driven by Mr. Meyer, collided with a car driven by Clarence Baumgartner on county trunk E, Sunday noon, in front of the Wm. Spreen farm. The Meyers were coming from the home six miles north of Medford intending to visit Mrs. Meyer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spreen. They were turning around into the Spreen driveway when the Baumgartner car, coming from the south, struck them on the side. Both cars were badly damaged.
November 26, 1919
The beautiful statue which is Taylor county’s memorial to the soldiers and sailers who made the great sacrifice arrived last week. By Thursday evening it had been placed upon the base which was made ready some time ago. It stands about one hundred feet north of the north door of the courthouse and faces west.
The two bases and shaft are made of red Wisconsin granite, quarried at Granite Heights, and manufactured at Wausau. The bottom base is rock face finish, margined all around corners, showing this granite as it appears when quarried.
November 24, 1894
The demand made by the French on the monarchs of Madagascar are so radical, that, if accorded, they mean turning over the entire military and political power of the country to the French Resident, and it is quite likely that a protest from both Germany and England will shortly be forwarded to Paris, and that, for the next few months we shall hear a great deal of talk in regard to the great island that lies off the east coast of Africa. To England, especially, says a writer in the Minneapolis Tribune, the possession of the island by the French would be a matter of some importance.