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Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement Law Enforcement

■ Sept.16 - An officer met with a tenant of a housing complex in Abbotsford for a wellness check requested by the property manager. On Sept. 12, the property manager contacted law enforcement to inform them of an apartment they felt was unlivable due to unhygienic conditions. The manager had been in the apartment to check the smoke detectors when they observed trash in the corners of the room. They told the officer the tenant had already taken five bags of trash out to the dumpster, but it did not put a dent in the amount of trash in the apartment. The property manager had contacted social services in regards to the living conditions and was told to contact law enforcement.

The officer tried several times to contact the tenant without success. On Sept. 16, the officer observed the tenant’s vehicle parked near the apartment. The officer met with the tenant and asked to see the inside of the apartment. The tenant denied the officer access to the apartment. They said they lived in the apartment for two years, but split their time between the apartment and a house in Colby where they lived with their estranged spouse. They stated they had been trying to find housekeepers but were told by their social worker there was no help for house cleaning services. The tenant told the officer they had received a letter from management stating they had five days to clean the apartment. The tenant said that if they couldn’t get it cleaned they would just move.

■ ■ Sept.16 - An officer took custody of a found dog from a resident in Abbotsford. The dog was a brindle color and had a camo collar with no tags. The dog was transported to the Abbotsford kennel and was later released to the owner’s sister, who had been watching the dog at the time.

■ ■ Sept. 19 -An officer received a drug complaint form nursing staff at a facility in Abbotsford. The staff stated they could smell marijuana coming from a room in the facility and after searching, found a jar with marijuana in a nightstand next to the bed. They advised that the facility director wanted the officer to seize the contraband.

The nurse escorted the officer to the resident’s room. The resident was in their room beside the nightstand. As the resident spoke with the officer, they were putting things into their pocket. The officer saw the top drawer open with small pieces of green leafy substance they understood to be “shake.” The tenant consented to being searched.

The officer observed the tenant to be holding a pipe with a green leafy substance inside. The tenant denied it was theirs and said it belonged to their brother, who had accidentally left it after a visit. As the officer searched the tenant’s room, they observed the tenant fidgeting and touching their lower abdomen. The officer asked the tenant to lift their shirt up, but refused to do so. The officer observed something sticking out from their belt line and asked the tenant what it was. The tenant did not want to answer and/or show the officer. The officer conducted a body search on the tenant and found a jar hidden in their pants that contained marijuana. The tenant admitted the marijuana was theirs, and stated that their brother had brought it from Florida. They admitted to sneaking out at night and smoking it with other residents.

The officer advised the resident they would be receiving ordinance citations for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.

■ ■ Sept. 18 - An officer responded to a report of a stolen trailer and tools from an open lot in Abbotsford. The officer spoke with an employee of the company that had been keeping their equipment on the lot while doing a job in the area. The employee stated they were done with the work in the area and were moving their equipment out when they noticed the trailer missing. The employee contacted the company to make sure they hadn’t moved the trailer and was informed that no one that worked for the company had moved it. The officer had the employee fill out a lack of consent form.

On Sept. 20, the officer received the completed lack of consent form. The trailer was entered into the dispatch system as stolen. The trailer model is a 2005 Forest River Inc., with double axles and a door on the right side and white in color. The total value of the trailer and tools stolen was $15,047.

■ ■ Sept.18 - An officer recognized the vehicle of an individual with a warrant issued for their arrest parked in front of a store in Abbotsford. The officer observed the individual exit the store and walk to the vehicle. The officer met with the individual and explained that they had a warrant through Clark County. The individual was placed under arrest for failure to appear in court on a drug case and transported to the Clark County Jail.

■ ■ Sept.19 - An officer was dispatched to a store in Abbotsford for a theft complaint. The officer met with the complainant who stated that on Sept. 18, an individual came into their store and was observed leaving by an employee with what appeared to be several items in their sweatshirt and pants. The complainant had checked the cameras and saw the individual hide several items totaling $41.07 in their sweatshirt. The individual was known to be a regular customer to the store and spent a lot of time there. The complainant stated they would not allow the individual to come back to the store. The officer said they would tell the individual they would receive a citation and be arrested for trespassing if they came back to the store.

The officer met with the individual at their residence in Abbotsford. They asked if the individual had taken anything from the store. The individual stated they did not. The officer told them that they had been seen on camera taking some items without paying for it. The individual admitted to taking some onions and cookies without paying for them. The officer informed the individual they would be cited for retail theft and that they were banned from the store. The officer advised the individual would be arrested for trespassing if they go back to the store. The individual stated they understood.

■ ■ Sept. 20 - An officer was driving northbound through Colby when they observed a vehicle driving southbound with a burnt out headlight. The officer pulled the vehicle over and could smell a strong odor of marijuana as they approached the vehicle. The officer recognized both the driver and the passenger from previous law enforcement contacts.

The officer ran both names through dispatch. The driver came back without a valid driver’s license. The passenger came back on probation for felony bail jumping, possession w/intent amphetamine, possession of marijuana, possession of methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia.

The officer then reapproached the vehicle and had the driver exit the vehicle. The officer asked the driver if there was any marijuana in the vehicle or if anyone had smoked in the vehicle. The driver said the passenger recently smoked marijuana in the vehicle.

The officer asked the passenger to step out of the vehicle. The passenger seemed agitated by the officer’s order. A search of the passenger revealed a clear gem bag with white crystalized residue inside. The officer asked if the bag belonged to the passenger, who stated it was their cousin’s and they were just holding onto it for them.

The officer then had two children sitting in the rear of the vehicle step out. Both the children were identified and searched with nothing found on them. The vehicle was searched, and a gem bag with a white crystalized substance inside was found in the center console. The driver admitted the bag belonged to him.

The officer called probation and informed them of the bag being found on the passenger. Probation advised the officer they would put a probation hold on the passenger. The driver was informed they would be placed under arrest for possession of methamphetamine, while the passenger was informed they would be placed under arrest for probation hold. Both were transported to Clark County Jail. Both bags were tested and came back positive for methamphetamine.

■ ■ Sept. 21 - An officer was made aware of a post on social media of a found dog in Abbotsford. The officer recognized the dog in the picture from several prior loose animal complaints. The officer called the owner and asked if they were missing their dog again. The owner stated they were and were on their way home from work to find it. The officer asked if anyone was home to return the dog to. The owner stated their spouse was.

The officer retrieved the dog, took it to its owner’s residence in Abbotsford and met with the spouse. The officer asked the spouse if they had a leash for the dog. The spouse said they do not need one as the dog will go right inside. The officer tried to speak to the spouse about the numerous times they have caught this dog running loose. The spouse told the officer to open the squad door and give them the dog back. The dog was returned to the owners.

The owner had been previously cited six times and the spouse has been cited once for allowing the same dog to run loose. There have been a total of 11 complaints involving this dog. Another citation was mailed to the owner for permitting an animal to run loose.

■ ■ Sept. 21 - An officer met with an individual at the police station regarding a child custody complaint. The complainant stated they were trying to pick up their children from their ex’s residence in Abbotsford but the ex was ignoring their calls. The complainant stated there is a child custody agreement in place for them to have custody every other weekend. The complainant stated that since they were moving, they two had agreed that the complainant can have custody every Saturday at 10 a.m. The complainant texted the ex that they were coming to pick up the kids and the ex told them that the kids were at a game. The complainant stated their kids did not have any games that day so they went to the ex’s house and saw that all the vehicles were there. The complainant stated they reached out to the ex multiple times and they are ignoring the complainant.

■ ■ Sept. 21 - An officer was dispatched to the site of a hit and run accident in Abbotsford. The caller gave the officer the plate number of the striking vehicle that had left and stated that a male had been driving.

The officer went to the residence of the registered owner of the vehicle and observed the vehicle in the parking lot. The officer photographed the damage to the vehicle and attempted to contact the owner, but no one answered. Clark County dispatch informed the officer that there had been recent contact with the vehicle, someone else was driving it. The individual had an open drunk driving case and were not allowed to drive a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license and insurance. The driver has a revoked driver’s license due to a previous OWI.

The officer met with the owner and driver at the police department for an interview. The driver stated they had been driving on First Street and a car pulled out of a parking spot parallel to the road. The driver said they did not see a blinker when the car was pulling out and the two cars hit each other. The driver stated an older lady got out of the passenger seat and told them to stay there, but the driver got scared and left. The driver stated they were scared because they do not have a driver’s license. They told the officer they knew they had an open case and cannot be driving due to the bond conditions. The officer asked if the driver had been drinking prior to the crash. The driver first said they drank the night prior and then said they had one beer after the accident at home.

The officer asked the vehicle owner if they knew about the accident. The owner stated they were at the store when the driver had called and said they needed a ride. The owner said they took the driver to Curtiss and spray painted the damage to the car to hide it. The officer asked if the owner had insurance on the vehicle. The owner stated they did not.

The driver agreed to do a preliminary breath test, but the officer was called away to an emergency call before it could be conducted and the interview was ended.

The officer completed citations for operating after revocation, hit and run, failure to notify police of an accident, and operating a motor vehicle without insurance. A charge of misdemeanor bail jumping was forwarded to the Clark County DA’s office.

■ ■ Sept. 21 - An officer received a call of a dog running loose in Abbotsford. The officer went to the address the dog had been reported at and saw a black lab they recognized as belonging to another resident of Abbotsford. The officer transported the dog back to the owner’s residence. Since the owner had received a verbal warning for the dog running loose on Sept.13, the officer informed them that they would receive a citation for permitting an animal to run loose.

■ ■ Sept. 22 - An officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle they had observed failing to yield the right of way at an intersection, almost causing a collision. The driver was found to have a revoked driver’s license due to an alcohol related offense and a warrant issued through the Marshfield Police Department. The driver was placed under arrest for the warrant and transported to the police station. The officer asked the passenger if they could come up with the bond amount of $408. The passenger stated they could and was released from the traffic stop.

The driver was issued a citation for operating after revocation due to an alcohol related offense. The passenger arrived and posted the full bond amount and the driver was re-