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Law Enforcement

n December 13 - An officer met with a man who wanted to report a harassment complaint.

The man said he was being harassed by four people and said he did not know why they had a problem with him. The man said he thinks they may be coming to his residence but he does not know for sure. The man said he just wants them to leave him alone. The man said he used to work with everyone at a local business and that everyone but one of them currently still works there. The man said he went into the business with his girlfriend to try to see what the issue is but no one would speak to him. The officer told the man to call the police department if they continue to harass him or if they show up at his residence.

The man gave the officer screenshots of messages that he had with one of the individuals. In the messages, the suspect threatens to come to his house but no where in the messages does it say what the issues between all parties are.

The officer went to the suspects’ place of employment and spoke to three of the individuals. One of the suspects told the officer that the man and his girlfriend were just at the workplace a half hour prior, and were causing issues.

The suspect said that the real problem was with the man’s girlfriend, not the man himself. The suspect said she went to get groceries and saw the girlfriend working a checkout lane so she went to another lane to avoid the woman. The suspect then said the girlfriend is blaming her for why she had to quit her job at the grocery store and said that she harrased the woman. The other two suspects said they had no idea why the officer needed to speak to them because neither of them spoke to the man or his girlfriend.

The officer told the trio to not speak to the man or his girlfriend anymore and they all agreed. The officer said if the two of them go to the workplace again, they should call police.

n December 17 - An officer was driving behind a vehicle that had an expired license plate. The officer conducted a traffic stop of the vehicle and made contact with a woman who was driving and a male front passenger. The officer asked the woman if she had insurance and she responded that she did not. The officer then ran the driver and passenger through dispatch and the driver came back with no valid driver’s license.

The passenger came back as being on probation with part of his probation condition being not to possess or consume illegal drugs. A K9 officer arrived on the scene and deployed K9 Dodge to the vehicle. K9 Dodge alerted to the vehicle and the officer had the duo step out of the vehicle.

Nothing was found on either subject’s person and the officer had the duo sit in squad cars while the officers searched the vehicle.

Located near the front passenger seat was what appeared to be a stem from a marijuana plant. Nothing else was found during the search of the vehicle. The officer then made contact with probation and advised them of his findings. Probation advised that they would not be placing a hold on the man and he is to contact his probation agent on the morning of December 19. The officer then issued and explained a citation for the driver for operating without a valid license.

n December 17 - An officer was on patrol in Abbotsford and observed a vehicle that did not have tail lamps or head lamps lit in hours of darkness. The officer made contact with the driver. The driver said he did not have insurance on the vehicle. The officer noticed the man had glassy or watery eyes and slurred speech. The officer could also smell the strong odor of an alcoholic intoxicant coming from the man’s breath. The man told the officer he was driving from Abbotsford to Curtiss and he had two beers from 7 p.m. the previous night to 4 a.m. the morning of December 17.

The man agreed to perform some standardized field sobriety tests and exited the vehicle. The officer searched him and located a pocket knife along with a multicolored tobacco vape pen. Due to snowy conditions, the officer asked the man if they could perform the tests at the Colby-Abbotsford Police Department to which the man agreed. The man went through the tests and after the third test, the officer asked the man if he had too many beers to drive a vehicle that night. The man said he did have too many beers and the officer placed him under arrest for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated.

After submitting two breath samples into an Intoxilyzer, the officer issued and explained a citation for operating while under the influence, operating with a prohibited alcohol content, operating a motor vehicle without insurance and a warning for operating without required lamps.

A woman then arrived at the department and took responsibility of the man.

n December 17 - An officer was dispatched to the Abbyland Specialty Sausage plant in reference to a 911 call that was dropped. Dispatch attempted to call the number back and no one answered. Upon arrival, the officer saw two males standing in the parking lot. The man pointed to the pond where a silver SUV was partially submerged in the pond. The man said that his friend was driving and is very stupid. Both of the men that the officer met with were very intoxicated. The officer asked one of the men where the driver was. The man said he walked away. The officer asked the man for his ID and he said it was in his house and he pointed at the Specialty Sausage plant. He said he lived there.

The officer walked over to the SUV. The driver’s side of the vehicle was partially submerged under water. The passenger side was still on the rocks around the edge of the pond. The front license plate was under water and the rear did not have a license plate on it. The officer could not see anyone else in the vehicle and a tow truck was called to remove it from the pond.

The officer checked the area for a possible third individual. The officer saw an employee in the break room of the sausage plant and was going to ask them if they had seen anything. The officer opened the door to enter the plant and saw a male laying on the floor sleeping. His clothes were wet. The officer tapped him on the foot and he woke up. The officer asked if he could take the man home and observed the man to have glassy eyes and the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath. The officer asked the man if he was driving the car that was in the pond. The man said he was. The officer walked the man outside and asked if he had any identification on him. The man pulled out his wallet and dropped it. The officer could see an Illinois ID card. The officer asked the man for his ID and the man said he did not have one. The officer picked up the wallet and got the ID out which had a different name than what the man had identified himself as.

The officer asked the man how much he had to drink and he said that after three drinks he gets pretty drunk. He said he was too drunk to take the field sobriety tests.

At approximately 2:51 a.m., the officer placed the man under arrest for operating while intoxicated. The man was transported back to the Colby-Abbotsford Police Department where he was given citations for prohibited alcohol concentration and operating without a valid driver’s license. The man was then released to a responsible party.

n December 18 - An officer was traveling in the city of Colby when he observed a vehicle cross the white center line multiple times. The officer initiated a traffic stop and met with the driver who had a full bottle of beer in the center cup holder, what appeared to be an alcoholic beverage in a clear plastic cup, an empty bottle of beer on the driver’s floor board and an empty case of beer in the front passenger seat.

There were three other males in the back seat. No one in the back seat had IDs or would provide the officer with information. The officer emptied out the bottle of beer and drink in the plastic cup and gave the containers back to the driver. The officer observed the driver to have glassy eyes and slurred speech. The officer also noticed the driver had the strong odor of alcohol coming from his breath as he spoke. The man said he had six drinks that night.

The officer ran the man’s name through dispatch and they said the man did not come back as being on file. The officer asked the man if he would be willing to take field sobriety tests to make sure he was OK to drive. The man agreed and was put through the tests. After a few of the tests, the officer stopped the test and placed the man under arrest for operating while intoxicated.

A woman had arrived at the scene of the stop to take the other men home. She said there was someone coming to get the vehicle so it was left on the street with its hazard lights on.

The man was transported to the police department where he was issued a citation and completed an intoximeter test. The man said hew as drinking at a local bar and was not asked for his ID despite the fact he was only 19 years old.

A short time later, the woman arrived at the police department with a boy who was one of the passengers in the vehicle. The boy said he was 16 and the officer could smell a strong odor of alcohol coming from his breath. The officer noted the date of birth he provided made the boy 17 years old and a preliminary breath test of the boy came back as 0.125. The boy said he was drinking at the same bar as the man and was also never asked for an ID. The boy was issued a citation for underage drinking and all parties left with the woman.

n December 18 - An officer was approached while on duty by a man and a woman who said they had locked the keys in their vehicle at a store in Abbotsford.

The officer met the man and woman at the store and unlocked the vehicle for them. The man said the woman had a warrant that she needed to pay and asked how to do that. The officer ran the woman through dispatch and they advised she indeed did have a warrant through Wisconsin Rapids Police Department for operating without a valid driver’s license (second offense). The officer told the couple the amount that was due and they said they could pay the money that day.

The officer placed the woman under arrest for the warrant and transferred her to the Colby-Abbotsford Police Department. Upon arrival, the man paid the full bond amount and the woman was released.