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Law Enforcement

n November 21 - An officer was working in Abbotsford at around 11 p.m. when he patrolled through Shortner Park when he noticed a vehicle parked at the park after closing hours of 10 p.m. The officer walked up to the vehicle and made contact with a male individual in the driver’s seat. The officer smelled the strong odor of marijuana coming from inside the vehicle. Three boys 20 years old and under were in the vehicle. The officer asked the three boys what they were doing and one of them said they were just talking. The officer asked the occupants where the marijuana was located inside the vehicle and the same boy informed the officer there was no marijuana. The officer asked again and the boys remained silent and would not make eye contact with the officer.

The officer returned to his squad and conducted a records check of the three individuals. The driver came back with no driver’s license issued. A short time later, a Clark County officer arrived to assist and the officers asked the boys to step out of the vehicle. The officers searched the boys and found no items of contraband on the individuals.

The officers performed a probable cause search of the vehicle and in the glove box, they located a plastic bag containing a green, leafy substance. The officer also found a multicolored smoking pipe with a green, leafy substance inside the pipe and several smoking rolling paper wraps containing the substance. The officer also found a loose “bud” of green, leafy substance on the floor of the passenger side floor board. The officer returned to the boys and asked whose backpack was in the vehicle.

The driver stated it was his. The officer then asked whose marijuana was inside the glove box and initially, the boys said they did not know but then the boy who was sitting in the driver’s seat initially said it was his. The driver admitted to smoking marijuana prior to driving to the park where they were eating snacks. The officer advised the boy he could not drive the vehicle as he was under the influence of THC. The officer advised the boy he would need to call his parents to get a ride from them. After several minutes, the boy said he could not get a hold of his parents. The officer called the father of another boy but could not reach him either. The officer gave the driver and one of the other boys a citation for possession of drug paraphernalia and released them to a sober party while the vehicle remained locked in the park.

The officer tested the items for THC back at the police department and all tested positive with the bag of marijuana weighing 4.7 ounces including the bag.

n November 21 - An officer took a report from a man who said the previous night that his tires had been slashed. The man said when he went to work he noticed that both rear tires along with the front passenger tire were flat. He attempted to air them up and found that each tire had a slit on the bottom from a sharp object that appeared intentional.

The man said his cousin also had a vehicle parked in his driveway and found that the front driver’s side tire and rear passenger tire had also been cut. The man said he did not know who would have done that and that he did not have cameras that would have caught the crime. The officer had the man fill out a lack of consent form and give one to his cousin as well for the tires that had been damaged. The damage to the tires had been estimated at $1,190.

n November 21 - An officer was dispatched to the city of Colby for a report of a disturbance. The complainant stated her nephew had thrown an item at her head causing her to bleed. The officer arrived and was met by a 16-year-old boy who requested to speak with the officer. The boy said his aunt threatened to kill him and that’s why he threw the item at her. The boy said he was in the bathroom of the residence and had just gotten out of the shower when his aunt started to yell at him to get out of the bathroom. The boy said he informed his aunt he was not done in the bathroom.

The boy said his aunt continued harassing him and he started to get angry. The woman said if the boy made her late for work, she would kill him. That’s when the boy said he lost his temper. He said he opened the bathroom door, grabbed a hard plastic garbage can and threw it near his aunt. He said he was not trying to hit his aunt but accidently hit her in the face.

The boy said he only gives people three chances before he “loses it”. The officer had the boy go to his room while he spoke with his aunt.

The officer observed the woman had a cut to her inner ear which punctured through to the ear lobe of the opposite side. The garbage can was a heavier plastic material that had significant weight to it. The woman described a similar incident to the officer. She said the boy was calling her names and was going to intentionally make her late for work. The woman said the boy exited the bathroom with the garbage can and threw it directly at her head.

The boy told the officer he was not living in a healthy household and needed to get out before causing more issues. The officer contacted a Clark County social worker and advised her of the incident. The mother of the boy said she would contact social services about the incident the next morning.

n November 25 - An officer was traveling on Hwy. 29 and observed a vehicle traveling 106 mph instead of the posted 65 mph speed limit. The officer conducted a traffic stop of the vehicle and made contact with the driver. The driver stated he was not paying attention to his speedometer. The officer conducted a records check through the Wisconsin Department of Justice system. The driver did not return with a driver’s license.

The officer made contact with a Clark County officer who completed a citation for operating without a valid license and speeding.

n November 25 - An officer was dispatched to Colby in response to a verbal disturbance. The officer met with a woman who said her boyfriend had ran off with her car keys.

The woman said she had gotten done with work and headed over to her boyfriend’s residence before they had decided to go Back Friday shopping in Marshfield. The man did not have a vehicle according to the woman but he drove the woman’s car to Marshfield with the woman as a passenger. The woman said they had made it halfway there and the woman brought up something from their past that she could not get over. The woman said they began arguing because of that. They made it to Spencer before the woman decided she did not want to go shopping with her boyfriend anymore and made him turn the car around to go back home.

They arrived and argued briefly before the woman told the man to get out of the seat so she could get in and drive the vehicle back to her residence. The man refused and the woman threatened him that she would call the police. The man shut off the car, got out and went into the apartment. The woman said she realized that the man had the keys with him yet and she called 911 at that point.

The woman went to the door to retrieve her keys from the man. The man answered the door when the woman knocked and when he saw that she was on the phone with 911 he ran out of the apartment across W Spence St. to the south. The woman said he went in an alley before leaving her sight and that she just wanted her keys back so she could drive home.

The woman said nothing had gotten physical between them at any point. The woman and man’s information was ran through dispatch and both returned with active warrants. The woman’s was a Clark County warrant with a bond amount of $150. The man’s was not servable out of Minnesota.

The woman was made aware of her warrant and said that she would be able to post the amount. The officer transported the woman to the police department where she posted the bond amount and was released.

While the bond was being posted, the woman’s brother removed a tire from the vehicle so the man could not come back and take the vehicle. The officer was notified by Clark County Dispatch that the man had a Clark County felony case with a bond condition of a no contact with the woman with the only exception being a third party for setting up child custody exchanges. The woman said the man had abided by the bond conditions until the past few weeks where he apologized and she thought he had changed. The woman said that the man began texting her directly and hanging out with her.

The officer stated he would be looking for the man and would be taking him into custody for felony bail jumping.

The next day, the officer was notified that the man was unable to be located but he had contacted the woman stating the woman’s keys were left outside her residence. The woman said she had them and that her brother would work on getting her vehicle back to her residence.

n November 26 - An officer was parked in the city of Abbotsford when he observed a vehicle traveling at around 10:30 p.m. with no lights on. The officer caught up to the vehicle and traveled behind it as the vehicle and another vehicle were traveling parallel to each other.

The officer observed the vehicle without its lights on drift over the white, dotted line, causing the other vehicle to have to swerve to avoid it. The officer initiated a traffic stop and made contact with the driver.

As the officer talked with the driver, he noticed the man to have glossy and bloodshot eyes and observed a strong odor of alcohol coming from the vehicle. The officer asked the man how much he had to drink and the driver said he had four beers with the last one coming 40 minutes prior to the exchange.

The driver was found to have a suspended driver’s license. The officer asked the man to perform some field sobriety tests and a preliminary breath test to which he agreed. The result of the PBT was 0.216.

The officer informed the man he was under arrest for operating while under the influence. The officer asked the passenger if he had anything to drink and he stated he had drank one beer. He consented to a breath test and tested with a result of 0.000. He was deemed a responsible party for the driver and could pick him up at the police department.

The officer issued the driver citations for unsafe lane deviation, operating while suspended, operating while under the influence and operating with a prohibited alcohol concentration.

n November 26 - An officer was called to a residence in Colby in reference to a disturbance.

Dispatch advised the officer the caller was a neighbor that heard his neighbors fighting for over an hour. He said that it sounded like the female upstairs was being struck and thrown to the ground.

The officer arrived and met with the caller who pointed to where the apparent altercation was happening. The officer stopped at the door and listened and could hear a female’s voice that was very loud in volume but did not seem like she was in distress or arguing with anyone. The officer knocked on the door and the female’s voice stopped and the officer did not hear anything else and no one came to the door.

The officer went back to the caller and asked him what he had heard. He said for over an hour he could hear the upstairs neighbors arguing and screaming at each other. The officer asked the caller as well as another person in the apartment if they would be willing to fill out statements of what they had heard and both agreed to do so.

The officer again attempted to make contact with the residents of the upstairs apartment but was unsuccessful. The caller’s written statement said the woman was yelling, “please don’t kill me” multiple times so the officer along with a Clark County deputy decided if they could not make contact knocking on the door, that the officer would make a forced entry to ensure the female screaming for her life was okay as she had been silent since the officer’s arrival.

The officer again knocked on the upstairs apartment door and no one answered. The officers breached the door and went to another door and announced their presence. A female was seen through the window on the door walking towards the door and she unlocked the door for the officers. The officers noticed there was no furniture in the main living space and nothing appeared to be thrown about. The officer asked if there was anyone else in the residence and the woman led them to a bedroom where a man was described as “sleeping” in the bed. The officers took the woman out of earshot of the man and explained why they were at the residence and the woman said the noises the neighbor heard was probably a movie they were watching before they went to bed. The woman said they both get excited when watching movies and made a foot stomping on the ground motion with her leg.

The woman denied feeling like she was in any sort of danger. The officer gave the woman numerous opportunities to review her story but she insisted nothing was wrong. The officer gave the woman a business card and told her to call with any questions the landlord might have about the door.