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Law Enforcement

_ August 28 - An officer was on patrol when he came across an accident in Abbotsford. One of the two vehicles involved was a 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix which was parked and blocking the south bound lanes of South Fourth St.

A second vehicle, a 2010 Ford Escape, was facing west on the grass in the corner of the intersection of S. Fourth St. and E. Linden St. The officer observed there to be no one in the Grand Prix but the driver of the Escape was still in the vehicle. The officer went over to the driver of the Ford Escape and asked if she was alright.

The woman had her seat belt on and two air bags had deployed. She stated her chest hurt and Central Fire and EMS was dispatched. The woman said that a male Hispanic man came up to her car and looked inside of it and then ran westbound on E. Linden St. Officers were unable to locate anyone on foot and went to the listed address for the owner of the Grand Prix. Two people located at the residence denied knowing the owner of the vehicle.

Officers followed up with the manager of the Northside Apartments three days later who said there was a person with a different name but matching description living in one of the apartments. The officer watched security footage that showed the man walk out of the apartment earlier in the day of the accident and get in the same Grand Prix that was involved in the accident.

The manager of the apartments said the man and others living in the same apartment had quit their jobs the day after the accident for unknown reasons and haven’t been seen since.

The manager had her assistant call the man and the man said they moved and will not be back for their belongings. He refused to tell the assistant where they had moved. A hit and run crash report was completed and at the time of the report, the man involved had not been found.

_ August 30 - An officer was on patrol around 1:47 a.m. when he observed a vehicle that was parked at a local gas station and it had windows that were fogged over. The officer did not observe anyone sitting upright in the vehicle. The officer conducted a registration check of the vehicle and observed that the owner had a body only warrant for contempt of court through Adams County.

A Clark County Sheriff’s officer arrived on scene to assist in making contact with the vehicle. The officers walked up to the vehicle and looked into the car. The officers observed a male laying down across the front two seats. The CAPD officer knocked on the window and the individual woke up and eventually opened the driver’s side door. The officer asked if the male was OK and he said he was just sleeping. The officer observed the odor of burnt marijuana coming from inside the vehicle. The officer asked the man if he had any marijuana on him and he stated he did not. The officer asked the male for his identification and to exit the vehicle.

The officer arrested the man for an outstanding warrant from Adams County and placed him in the back of his squad car.

The officers then conducted a probable cause warrant search on the man’s vehicle. The officers found a small, purple/multicolored glass pipe with a burnt green leafy substance inside the smoking area of the pipe. Next to the pipe was a small plastic bag with a green, leafy substance inside the bag.

The officer transported the man to the Marathon County Jail without incident and cited the man for possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana.

_ September 1 - An officer made a traffic stop in the City of Colby for a defective driver’s side headlight. The registered owner of the vehicle also had a suspended driver’s license. The officer made contact with the driver who was not the registered owner of the vehicle. The driver said she was in the process of buying the vehicle from another woman and knows that the woman has a suspended driver’s license.

The driver said that before she had acquired the vehicle, the other woman had hit a deer which damaged the driver’s side headlight. The driver stated she had a flashlight mounted where the headlight should be but forgot to turn it on when she left the gas station.

While the officer ran the driver’s information through dispatch, a Clark County deputy and his K9 arrived on the scene and performed a free air sniff. The deputy notified the officer that the K9 alerted to the odor of narcotics coming from the vehicle.

The officer asked the driver and her passenger to exit the vehicle. The officer searched the two parties and found nothing on their persons. The officer then searched the vehicle and inside a purse was a wallet which had a small gem bag inside of it with a white residue inside of it. Based on prior experience, the officer suspected the substance to be methamphetamine. The wallet contained cards with the driver’s name in them and the officer asked the driver about the bag.

The driver said it had been a couple of years since she had done meth and had just taken the wallet out of storage. She said the bag was an old one that was left in the wallet.

The officer cited the driver for possession of drug paraphernalia and tested the bag for methamphetamine when back at the station. The test came back positive for methamphetamine and was placed in a secure evidence locker.

_ September 3 - An officer observed a vehicle traveling 60 miles per hour in a 45 mile per hour zone and pulled the vehicle over for a traffic stop. The officer made contact with the driver who stated he was from Texas but did not have a driver’s license. The officer observed a passenger sitting in the front seat and asked the woman if she had a driver’s license to which she replied that she did not.

The officer ran both of their names through the Wisconsin Department of Justice records system and found the driver to have a past drug conviction and the passenger had an outstanding warrant in Texas for assault.

The officer requested an additional officer from the Loyal Police Department to assist with the traffic stop. The CAPD officer issued the driver citations for exceeding speed zones (11-15 miles per hour) and operating without a valid license. The officer also completed a written warning for non-registration of an auto vehicle.

A short time later, the Loyal officer arrived and deployed his K9 partner. The Loyal officer informed the CAPD officer that his K9 had alerted to the odor of narcotics coming from the vehicle. The officers had both of the occupants of the vehicle exit the car and they were searched for items of contraband. No such items were found but as the passenger exited the vehicle, the CAPD officer observed an open beer can in the door. The passenger of the vehicle stated the beer was not hers but she also claimed it was not the drivers.

A probable cause search of the vehicle was performed and two additional open beer cans were found. The Loyal officer located a smoking pipe with a green, leafy substance inside the smoking area of the pipe, inside the passenger’s purse. The passenger was then cited for possession of drug paraphernalia and the occupants of the vehicle got a ride from a friend.

_ September 4 - An officer was requested to a civil standby in Abbotsford. A woman stated she had some belongings at an address in Abbotsford but was issued a trespassing warning letter a few days prior. The woman asked the officer if he could standby while she retrieved the items.

The officer met with the current resident of the address who said she would leave the woman’s items in the driveway at 2:30 p.m. The officer stated he would meet the woman at the residence at that time to assist in picking up her items. The woman met the officer at the residence at the designated time. She retrieved the items and left without issue. The woman stated that she wanted to retrieve some more items that were already outside and she was told to call the CAPD the next day to get assistance in retrieving the items.

_ September 4 - An officer was dispatched to a residence after Clark County dispatch received two SOS 911 text messages.

The officers arrived at the listed residence and made contact with two individuals who said they had not called or texted 911. The officer asked where the person was who had texted 911 and they said the person was not inside the residence.

Officers then went to the listed home address for the man that had texted 911. There, they made contact with the man and asked if he was OK. The man said he was OK and did not need assistance. He stated he had used the SOS function to text 911 and did not have a reason for why he did that. The officer observed the man to be under the influence of alcohol.

Officers warned the man for misusing 911 and advised him to only call or text 911 if he had an emergency and needed assistance.

_ September 4 - An officer was on patrol when he observed a vehicle cross the center line a short distance ahead of his squad car. The officer pulled the car over on Hwy. 13.

The officer made contact with the driver and observed the strong odor of intoxicants coming from inside the vehicle. The driver also had glassy and bloodshot eyes. The officer went back to the squad car and asked dispatch if there was a translator available to assist with the traffic stop. Clark County dispatch said there was no translator available. The officer had the driver go through a standardized field sobriety test. After observing multiple failed tests and the strong odor of alcohol coming from the driver’s breath, the officer informed the man that he will be placed under arrest for operating while under the influence. The officer also completed citations for operating without a valid license and operating left of center.

The officer transported the driver to Marshfield Medical Center to take a blood draw. A friend of the driver met the officer at the Spencer Police Department to pick up the driver after the blood work had been completed.

_ September 5 - An officer observed while on patrol a vehicle that was deviating from its lane and pulled the vehicle over in the parking lot of a local gas station. The officer made contact with the driver who had watery eyes and the strong odor of alcohol coming from his breath.

The officer noticed an open can of beer in the cup holder of the center console of the vehicle. When asked if he had been drinking that evening, the driver stated two beers and then switched his answer to one beer. The officer had dispatch run the driver’s license which came back as a suspended license. A preliminary breath test came back with a result of 0.173.

The driver was placed under arrest for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and was also issued citations for deviating from designated lane and operating while suspended.