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Law Enforcement

n August 21 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby residence at 2:02 a.m. for reports of two male individuals physically fighting in front of the residence. While the officer was en route, he was advised that both individuals were no longer fighting.

Upon arrival, the officer observed a male individual walking down the street and stopped to speak with him. The 21-year-old Colby man said he was fighting with his best friend and was injured. The man said he had been with the friend at the Athens Fair when his friend became angry with him for speaking to his ex-girlfriend. The 21-year-old man explained that he and his friend were in the front yard and exchanged punches. The man said he did not want to pursue any criminal charges against his friend.

The officer then spoke to the friend who was a 20-year-old Colby man. The man told the officer a similar story and also did not want charges filed. The parties were warned for their behavior and separated for the evening.

n August 21 - An officer went to an apartment complex in Abbotsford to deliver a trespassing warning to a 38-yearold Owen woman. The manager of the apartments had been receiving calls from tenants about the woman acting strange and causing disturbances there. The manager gave the officer a letter to distribute to the woman saying the woman had two hours after being served the warning to vacate the property or the manager would be calling for trespassing charges against the woman.

The officer made contact with the woman outside of the apartment and issued her the letter. The woman said she understood and went inside the apartment.

A day later, officers were called back to the apartment where the manager stated that the woman was no longer welcome on the property but was still there. The manager said the woman was currently talking to herself, high on drugs and smoking cigarettes. The manager wanted her removed from the property.

The officer spoke with the woman and noticed she was high on methamphetamine. The woman said she just needed to gather her items from her boyfriend’s apartment and she would be leaving. The officer told the woman she had 20 minutes to get her items and leave or she would be arrested for trespassing.

The officer went to the main office and watched security camera footage to ensure she left. The woman did leave within the time frame given and the officer cleared from the incident.

n August 22 - An officer observed a silver car traveling in the city of Abbotsford and ran the registration to which the license plates came back as being cancelled. The officer activated their emergency lights to make a traffic stop of the vehicle. The vehicle pulled into a local restaurant parking lot and parked in the handicapped spot.

The driver and passenger exited the vehicle and the officer exited his patrol car and told the driver and passenger to get back in the car. The driver looked at the officer and shut the driver’s door. After asking again, the driver opened the driver’s door and stated he was hungry. The officer asked if the driver had seen his emergency lights and he said he had but he was hungry. The officer asked for an identification card and was informed that the driver did not have one. The officer then asked for the driver’s wallet and he was informed he did not have one and that it was at home.

The officer asked the driver to write his name and date of birth down on a piece of paper. The driver scribbled something the officer could not read and handed the paper to the passenger who wrote his name and date of birth on the paper.

The officer could smell the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the vehicle and as the driver spoke. There was also a spilled beer in the driver’s side door handle compartment. The officer was able to find out the names of the driver and passenger through prior contact with the driver.

Dispatch advised the officer that the driver had a revoked driver’s license due to a previous OWI.

A standardized field sobriety test and preliminary breath test came back with a 0.17 result. The passenger was given a preliminary breath test as well which yielded a 0.000 result and was informed he could come pick up the driver at the police station.

The driver was also issued citations for operating after revocation, non-registration of automobile, no insurance and obstructing. The man was then released to a responsible party.

n August 23 - An officer was driving on West Spruce Street in Abbotsford around 10:49 p.m. when a man walking a dog was observed waving his arms toward the officer. The man said he was walking down a street when a truck with a Minnesota license plate was driving towards him. The man said the truck struck a stop sign further down the street and was coming towards him where he had to step out of the way to avoid the truck.

The officer drove to where the incident happened and noticed tire tracks on the lawn of a home near the incident. The officer observed a yield sign that was struck and laying on the ground and then observed the pickup truck a short distance away at a home in Abbotsford.

The officer made contact with the driver who was identified as a 38-yearold Abbotsford man who appeared to be sleeping or had his eyes closed when the officer walked up to the driver’s side window of the truck. The officer noticed the driver to have slurred speech, water yeyes and a strong odor of alcohol coming from the vehicle. The driver looked for his driver’s license and proof of insurance but could not find them.

The officer had the driver go through standardized field sobriety tests and a preliminary breath test. The result of the preliminary breath test was 0.319 and the man was placed under arrest for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, third offense. The man was booked and released to a responsible party.

n August 26 - A 67-year-old Colby man informed officers that his 16-yearold neighbor had been stealing used cigarettes and ashtrays from his deck. The officer spoke to the juvenile party and explained that the neighbor would pursue charges if the behavior continued. The juvenile stated he understood and would not go near the residence again.

n August 26 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford location for a loose dog complaint. The officer arrived on-scene and found a black lab with an orange or red collar around its neck. The officer took the dog to the police department where the owner approached the officer and asked if they had his dog. The officer handed over the dog and warned the owner about having an animal at large.

n August 27 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford bar where it was observed that an intoxicated male was trying to start fights inside. The officer made contact with the bartender who was standing outside of the bar on the sidewalk.

The bartender stated there was an unidentified male individual wearing a blue shirt that was trying to start a fight and attempted to push him out of the bar. The bartender stated the unidentified male individual pushed him several times while trying to exit the bar. The bartender said he was finally able to get the male out of the bar and was unsure where he walked to.

The officer informed the bartender to call law enforcement if the unidentified male came back to the bar.

n August 27 - At approximately 12:57 a.m. an officer was dispatched to a residence on Second Street in Colby for an individual who was screaming, “kill me” or “shoot me” and had woken up individuals living near the disturbance.

The officer made contact with a 27-year-old Colby man who was standing near the intersection of West North Street and North Second Street. The officer noticed the man to be completely covered head to toe in brown mud and asked him what was going on. The man appeared to be under the influence of alcohol as he was slurring his speech and swaying back and forth. The man stated that he was walking home from a local bar. During that time, the officer heard a man screaming a short distance away.

A CAPD officer located a yellow moped or motorcycle in Second Street which was covered in mud due to road construction. The motorcycle was tipped on its side and covered in mud with a black and red shoe laying next to it. The 27-year-old man stated he was not driving the motorcycle and was not the one yelling prior to the officer’s arrival. The man said his friend was driving the motorcycle and was the one yelling. The officer told the man to go home while he made contact with the other man.

The officer was in his squad car when he observed the 29-year-old Colby man walking down a Colby street. The officer parked in front of the man and yelled at him to stop walking away from him. The man then began to run away from the two officers and was chased by two officers on East Spence Street. The officers caught up to him and jumped on the man while they were both running on the side walk. The officer directed the man to the ground with the man’s stomach and face on the ground and the officer laying on top of him. The man refused to comply with officers commands to put his hands behind his back and was tased in the back.

The man was handcuffed at approximately 2:02 a.m. and was placed under arrest. The man had scrapes on his arms and face but refused medical attention from Central Fire and EMS. The officer smelled alcohol coming from the man’s breath and noticed he was slurring his speech. The man also has an open Marathon County Sheriff’s Office case where part of his bond conditions are to have absolute sobriety and not to possess any alcohol.

The man refused a field sobriety test and was cited for operating without a valid license, non-registration of other auto and operating while under the influence and was taken to the Clark County Jail.

n August 27 - At around 6:45 p.m., multiple callers reported a vehicle had left a bar in Unity and was driving erratically as it drove north on Hwy. 13. An officer was en route when they were notified that the vehicle had turned west onto West North Street and then north onto North Second Street in Colby. The road was under construction, was muddy and not open to traffic.

Upon the officer’s arrival, he observed a vehicle that was stuck in the mud with a female standing near the vehicle. The officer made contact with the female who was identified as a 25-year-old Athens woman. The woman told the officer she was visiting her grandfather at a nursing home in Colby and thought she could make it down Second street.

The woman admitted to coming from a bar in Unity and said that she had “enough” to drink. The woman agreed to perform a standardized field sobriety test. After performing the tests, the officer asked if the woman would perform a preliminary breath test to which she agreed. The test came back at 0.132.

The officer placed the woman under arrest for operating while intoxicated, first offense. The officer spoke to the callers who witnessed the woman’s driving to confirm details. They said the woman had pulled out in front of someone and nearly hit four vehicles on her way to Colby.

The woman was given an intoximeter test and was released to a responsible party.

n August 27 - An officer was called to a business in Abbotsford in reference to a criminal trespass complaint.

Upon arrival, the officer met with the owner who said at some point early that morning, someone had entered the business through a window and left out the back door. The owner said nothing appeared to be taken. The owner asked a nearby business if they could see anyone on their cameras and they said they could not.

The matter is still under investigation.